Valamas' Fantastical Tree Map - Always War (5ba06410)

Hmm, that’s too bad. I like the Olympic Pantheons mod, but not being able to clear marshes can be annoying…

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@andrewsmart48 I thought that since this is an always war game, you were supposed to declare war on me during the turn when you met me. This would have given me a boost.

@Valamas please confirm this.

I don’t need a revert. Just declare on me on your next turn if all agree that this a rule for this game.

This is a very interesting game, although too slow for my tastes.

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I tried and the option wasn’t there.

I wondered if the game does it automatically because i couldn’t remember declaring on anyone.

Happy to declare on you. Definitely shpuld be me that declares.

No big deal, we won’t actually be waging war for a long, long time, if ever.

I have noticed in games with DBs mod that sometimes things that you would happen automatically take a turn or 2.

It was 1 or maybe 2 turns after I earned my pantheon that I actually got it.

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I got ot and declared. I think i was just being blind and stupid last turn

glad you guys sorted it out. I too was blind in another game and totally missed the declare surprise war option.

Yes, Always War means declare war on the turn you meet. Sorry this game did not exactly say that as I had done so in my other Always War experimental games. I credit @DogBoy511 and his game friends for introducing me to the concept.

The game speed is fine, the average turn time is 5.5 hours which is pretty good. I value players with integrity over speed any day.

I am interested in specific problems with DB’s Gold mod. I am aware of the tree visibility not being correct in certain situations. I will be playing a game against myself to figure that out. I have also had contact with DB, so I hope to give some solid feedback.

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When I said slow, I should have been more specific. I didn’t mean that the players were moving too slow. I meant that the game mechanics are such that it takes forever to get any thing produced or to move units around. The game will also be slower when we have to build new military units instead of upgrading.

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Not only that, but Gold Deflation mod. Take your time mod for slower science/culture. However, you can harvest resources if you are in a pinch.

Unit upgrades - This was intentional to have more battles of attrition and hopefully level out the player skill levels (because I suck). Also One does not simply upgrade an Ironclad to a Battleship.

Thanks for the feedback.

Ironclads upgrade to destroyers.

Anyway something is a bit wrong. I sent a missionary out to sea and now he cant move off the island he is on and back out to sea.

No religious sea spies

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Ah that will solve it thanks. Great map by the way

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How do i get allthe various rule details

After loading. Goto options. It will show what is enabled there as well as screenshots in the first posts.

Also here:
Mod: DB GOLD Help

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can a great genral get killed in a city if captured. or an admiral out at sea?

All men are mortal is turned on.

Let us know if that was successful.

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i ran away

I am advertising my spot for substitution. If you know anyone, please let me know.

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shame, as ever your games are the most fun

Substitution? Just temporary or permanent?

Thank you @andrewsmart48 - I can spend hours designing games, with all the single player map-reveal and testing.

@DogBoy511 Permanent. It sucks. I was really enjoying this game and our battles.

On the flip side, it is nice to know what circle of players are good for a fun game. :zipper_mouth_face:

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