TSL Huge FFA (21aeed76)

OK – I have an interested replacement player, am going to revert the game back to @andrewsmart48 (to right before the AI took over) and see about getting the new player added to the game. Andrew, could you hold the turn until the new player is in?


sure thing

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welcome and many thanks to @Brunel for taking the reins of the Roman upstart :smiley:

Hey @Brunel and thanks!

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This turn is taking a little long


@Fiullzza Hi, are you still playing? You did not leave a some message about your vacation so we don’t know nothing.

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according to his forum profile he was last online on december 13th. I found two other games he is in and in both games his turns has been skipped after that date because the games had turn timers of three days.

sounds like vacation

Brunel let me know in a DM that Fiullzza stated in another chat channel he would be unable to play turns over the holidays … I’ll wait until after the holidays to see if he comes back full force


normally a reliable player in fairness

Hi all, I’m afraid we are heading into the silly season now so many of us will be taking time off.
So we hit that crazy contrast of having more time for games and fewer people at home to play with…

I myself will be away from January 6-9th and will start ticking off all my turns on the evening of the 10th.
Merry Xmas to you all!


i just heard from brunel that @Fiullzza will not be back playing turns until july (!!) … my feeling off the bat is that’s too long to wait, what about the rest of you?

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Ha! yeah, I think when the game is so early that is an unrealistic pause, especially with so many other players.
Maybe if we had all been playing together for a while like some of my other games that are now over a year and a half old we could consider waiting six months…
What are we on, turn 5-6?

Turn 16. But still too early for a game on standard speed. I vote for replacing the player. And if we don’t find a replacement continue without him. I don’t want to wait so long.


Yes, we need other player for our game. Can somebody recomment some substitude?

From other games I know only the user names:

  • petrojbl
  • Stormumriken
  • Laurentiu

@banman39 Can you try contact mentioned players? Or you have other substitude?

P.S. I hope @Fiullzza is not ill and he is traveling or something similar.

I hope it is nothing serious too.
He is more than welcome to start another large game when he is free again and I will happily join it.

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Brunel says he is working on a ship all spring, so afaik he is well, but unavailable. @Michaqel, if you are in communication with any of the three players you listed please check if they’d be willing … otherwise I’ll try to contact them

Scratch that @Michaqel, Brunel was already in contact with @Alvarez_Player who’s expressed an interest in joining, so I’ll go ahead and replace fiuza with him … no need to seek another replacement

Great! Thanks @banman39. Welcome @Alvarez_Player.


I’m happy we can finally continue this game. Welcome @Alvarez_Player