SIM CITY 7: 7 seas, 7 seats, BBG 5.1, BBS, online, 1tpd, draft (bfedeb7a)

ah! got it. Thanks. I saved and passed it to the next player

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I understand you are upset @matmer but I would be grateful if you removed these troll pins from my empireā€¦ I am sorry I am unable to help you defend against Japan but I have no access to that ocean and I am having to prepare a defence against our tech leader, Spain. Had Spain not decided to attack me, for questionable reasons, I would have been able to offer you some support, I did not foresee this Spanish attack and I did not foresee Japan switching their efforts to very quickly build a navy and attack youā€¦ Which in hindsight seems like what they should have done in the first place, so please donā€™t blame me. I have lost a city too and feel like I am on my own, being unreasonably ganged up on. Itā€™s all a part of the game, against real players who know what they are doing itā€™s always a challenge and itā€™s not always fun but thatā€™s what we all sign up for.

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sea attack you say :grimacing:

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hi all

It looks like Portugal left. Should we find a sub or let the AI play? (I donā€™t have much visibility over them from my position, so I donā€™t know the impact on regional wars/etc of having an AI take that spot)

sub would be ideal but i think they may be pretty dead

No point looking for a sub, thatā€™d just be cruel. Theyā€™re dead in the water (first to join the World Under One Roof)

Sooooā€¦ Anyone interested in being my military ally and declaring war on Spain and Japan?? pls?

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Iā€™m sure thereā€™ll be more action on the world stage soonā€¦
Iā€™m leaving right now for the whole day (until midnight EU time) so itā€™s a shame the turn JUST passed to me :frowning:

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Sweden already has the max 2 allies, one of whom is Japan. Sorry!

(also, we were recently invaded by a neighbor so the troops we have are needed at home to ensure long term peace through deterrence)

Good luck!

Just a friendly reminder that the are no surprise wars past the Ancient era in this game. If you are planning to attack your neighbor you have to denounce

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Donations greatly appreciated, upgrading my troops is quite expensive!

yeah me too

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Stop attacking me then! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™ll gladly peace you both, Iā€™m not the one who wants any of this war!

but you are winning.

will think about it

How am I winning? lol. Iā€™ve lost a city to you and my cultural CS to youā€¦ My entire ally to Japan and am trying my best to just defend on multiple fronts.

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Youā€™re defending well and Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll be able to pierce through. Life will find a way, though.


Yeah it wont last though, without assistanceā€¦

So Japanā€™s war on Australia was not a surprise war? Just want to make sureā€¦

It wasnā€™t.