SIM CITY 7: 7 seas, 7 seats, BBG 5.1, BBS, online, 1tpd, draft (bfedeb7a)

And I declared because I could see his armies approaching my cities, so I used a CB to get the civic boost.

I was the ally you had that was being attacked…

I think the rules were designed to prevent surprise backstabbing… Which is what you did.

i will follow the team judgment, happily

Fair enough, I don’t blame you, I’m sure you were unaware of the rule, this is just unfortunate.

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i was unaware in fairness yes. or forgot

Yep, I wouldn’t have remembered either if it hadn’t been for the previous discussion above.

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I guess the rules are incomplete since we didn’t consider the cases of Joint War and joining an ally in a war. But technically, if Spain pressed the “Surprise War” button, it is one… Though I don’t remember how Portugal got dragged into the war (since Alliances don’t drag in offensively)

In any case when Cree declared on me, the 5 turns after Denouncement had elapsed and it was with a CB. If not, I wouldve declared a Formal War anyway (which is why I denounced)

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For transparency, Stefanos offered me a deal for joining ongoing war in exchange for luxury resources. I guess this didn’t bypass the rules or did it?

Probably… but then again, as an ally to him, you would’ve been dragged into the war automatically if I had declared it (which I was going to do anyway the next turn). I say you’re in the clear.

Yeah, I wasn’t aware at the time, Portugal probably should have had to denounce you first… But if I had been aware, I most likely would have let you declare the war to bring Portugal in automatically.

Spain’s declaration is a different matter, identical to the situation we have just had a revert for with Korea and Sweden… Declaring on the turn an alliance ended. It’s clearly too late to revert several turns but I feel like there should be some concessions made by Spain here… It’s a very awkward situation as he is probably 2 turns from taking a city from me, if I’d had an effective 5 turn warning I don’t know how much difference that would have made in my being able to hold the city or not but I would have been able to get medieval walls up there for sure.

i will leave your city for 2 turns

this is a tough situation, given the number of turns ago this happened :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

however, if this wasn’t a “sim city” game everyone would be playing differently (more troops, expecting to be attacked, etc) and Spain’s suprise war wouldn’t have been such a suprise to Cee

if spain really is 2 turns away from capturing a city, what do you all think about this proposal??

There will be a 5 turn ceasefire starting on the turn that Spain captures or razes that Cree city, or 5 turns from now, whichever comes sooner

it’s not as good for Cree as it would have been if Spain had correctly denounced before war, but it will still help Cree’s defense a lot. It’s in the middle

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Not ideal but I’ll go with what Copper says, are we agreed @andrewsmart48 ?

You’ll take the city on turn 93, no further conflict until turn 99, ok?

dont like it but sure yeah.

if both sides are unhappy then it is probably fair :grimacing: :handshake:

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to be honest i am more interested in if CEO is ok with it. he is stuck in a 2 sided war for now and only one side is giving 5 turns. portugal didnt

I’m fine with it. 5 turns is a lot in Online speed but realistically I don’t think this changes much to my side of the war.

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hey all - something weird is happening: when I load the turn, I see the normal “world congress starting” screen. But when I press the button to vote it immediately ends my turn. I have tried reloading several times, but with the same result every time. Does everyone else see a normal World Congress session or something else? Anyone have any clue as to what may be causing this??

special session you arent involved in i expect. wont be normal session on turn 93