SIM CITY 7: 7 seas, 7 seats, BBG 5.1, BBS, online, 1tpd, draft (bfedeb7a)

@StefanosG , was my Artillery half HP before you attacked it, due to the Rainforest fire? Because god damned, that’s some TERRIBLE luck for me. :sweat_smile:
Ultimately no point in asking but I’m just curious


Yep, think I deserve a bit of luck tbh. :slight_smile:

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It’s supposed to be a sim city game, so let’s just have a good old space race! :smiley:

Already on it… maybe. But I think someone’s going for another win condition.

Ok, so a 3 for space 1 for culture race… Could be close?

domination all the way

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we’re going to need books and music in space

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Don’t forget the rule to have at most 2 friendships/alliances!

… Because I know I forgot it last turn as I sent a DoF request to Cree.


Looking more and more like Sweden’s game… We might not even get to Mars. :frowning:

I have strong options to defend against the tourism but I’m unsure it’ll be enough - too hard to guess the numbers.

Kinda my fault tbh, I should’ve toggled on the ban on Rock Bands much earlier. I thought I had enough spare time.

Congratz to Copper, 329/306 tourists looks like a win to me GG all. This game was a really fun one for me, with dream Cree start location… iirc my first trader had 13 food on it and ToA was epic. Defending Japan and Spain was a tough challenge, not sure how I managed it, I was genuinely terrified lol… fyi I think I would have won space, currently 3 turns away from completing exoplanet mission, with several spaceports about to finish and offworld tech in 4 turns. Sweden’s culture just too quick though. :frowning: I wanted to go culture myself but I was attacked just as I was about to get all my theatre squares up and had to divert to military production. Thanks all for the game. :slight_smile:

Huh, that’s surprising. He was predicted to be 4 turns away (from winning) last turn and that’s the turn I completed the moon landing so I had a huge burst of culture that should have delayed the win.

Rock bands OP… Not sure how it works though tbh, maybe that culture burst could delay it? Inevitable though we’re still maybe 15-20 turns from victory.

Right, I’m ingame now and I can confirm it’s a win.

Rock bands OP… Not sure how it works though tbh, maybe that culture burst could delay it?

I banned them the last 2-3 turns (though he made it in my lands a few turns before that). The culture burst from moon landing 100% delays the tourism victory, it’s commonly done just for that purpose even if not chasing the space win.

Oh well… GG. I guess I kinda dropped the ball.

My start was okay but not amazing. Once my industrial zones started kicking in though I was at full power, but I really, really should have went for 12-16 cities with Ancestral Hall, not 8 with Audience… I had forgotten we were playing on an oversized map with less players. Dammit.

Then yeah, I went for the Cree thinking that I had sufficient tech and overwhelming production (plus an incredible income of Faith from Chinguetti, coupled with buying units with Faith from Grandmaster’s Chapel), but you made it just in time to unlock field cannons then planes. I probably should have went after Australia earlier… then Sweden.

Ah, and for the sake of comparison, I was 1 turn away from Mars Mission (with some overflow), 8 Spaceports ready to work, and +100% towards space projects (S. Kworlek). My capital is 184 production, the other spaceport cities are roughly 100-140 each… I think I wouldve made it first. :d

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Ooh that might have been reaally close then, my cities are mostly higher pop than yours and have very good production but you with that last scientist’s bonus prod… Sweden spoiled our fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

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hey gg @andrewsmart48 @CEO_of_Spearfighting @kapshul @matmer @petrojbl1 @StefanosG

that was quite amazing work by @CEO_of_Spearfighting as Japan. I was quite sure you were going to take it. I’m sure you would have if you had broken our alliance and attacked

To be frank, I think I was quite lucky as Sweden, as I was on a giant peninsula, which gave me ample tiles for seaside but also made me vulnerable to attack by Japan or Spain. If either had attacked me the would have killed my tourism progress beyond recovery trying to fight them off. I was attacked by Korea, which set me back for 15-20(?) turns, but other than that I was 100% in free sim, first expanding and then going all in on tourism

GG thanks for the game, see you around