SIM CITY 7: 7 seas, 7 seats, BBG 5.1, BBS, online, 1tpd, draft (bfedeb7a)

FWIW I’m ok converting the game to either a static 5.1/5.2 or upgrading to 5.3 current. Whatever gets us unstuck. I’m in another BBG 5.3 game and it’s working just fine right now

I thought we had already done that but seems not (I mistake different games for one another). We definitely should change to a static version imo

I too am in other games where 5.3 is working fine and I have no problems loading. I believe it is probably specific to games that were started with 5.1.5 that are incompatible with this recent 5.3 update.

I thought the person on discord that gave their file to an admin to have it converted said it still did not work for them after changing to a static version?

Panic over guys, just tried again and it has loaded, looks like BBG has been fixed and updated to 5.3.1.

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Looks like I’m having the same issues that @StefanosG likely had. I’ve already installed both of the static versions from dropbox listed above for other games. I unsubscribed to 5.3.1 and resubscribed without help. I’m stuck at getting an error message when trying to load the save file. I’ll revert in hopes that it will work when it gets back to me.

Rip. Since I’m playing before you do, I double checked and I have no mods loaded except BBG 531, BBS, then Cosmetics.

That did it. Previously, it was expecting BBG 5.3.0. Now it’s looking for BBG 5.3.1, which I have subscribed to.

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I’ve lost track of what is needed here. Do you need me to revert the turn?

No, he only reverted to me so I played my same turn once more and it’s all good now (until Kapshul is back from vacation that is)

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So, I rejected 2 offers of alliance from Sweden, only because of the rule in this game that we are only allowed 2 friendships/alliances and I was hoping to get alliances with Spain and Portugal or maybe Japan… I had not offered friendship to Portugal or Japan yet as I already have 2 friendships (I hadn’t realised the rule was in place when I accepted Sweden’s friendship offer)… but now Spain has refused my offer of alliance, so I look and see Spain currently has 5 friendships (4 and 1 alliance). This seems unfair?

So I will ask here; seeing as Spain doesn’t want to ally me, would Portugal and or Japan be interested in an alliance in the near future?

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I need a bit of time to think about it - I’ve barely started to explore the sea so I must check how safe my coasts are before picking friends.

Also I’d say it’s fair that we have a bit of a leeway in the max number of allies/friends as we transition from “we don’t attack each other’s civilians as we pass by” friendships and actual alliance backed by civil service.
Also I’m surprised I was the first to unlock a t2 government after a -25% culture dark age!

i didn’t know it was only 2 friendships. not sure is matters. i only rejected your alliance bacaus it was religion.

happy to do economic, culture or science.

i will drop down to 2 friends well the 2 alliances asap.

I thought that might be the case, so I did offer an economic instead… I thought you would want religion though? No religious pressure on each other and potential for more faith gain, not good for your build with jesuit?

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Hälsningar! SWEDEN here:

Our #1 diplomatic priority as a nation is to secure an alliance (ideally Economic) with Korea (who we share a large boarder with), once Korea unlocks Civil Service

Our #2 priority is to secure an additional alliance for trade and collective self-defense. (That will become 2x more important if Korea decides not to ally…)

Sweden has almost unlocked Wisselbanken, has tons of Diplomatic Favor, and has NO intention of seeking a Diplomatic Victory for itself. As such, it would be a valuable trading partner and ally in the World Congress!


Spain likes gold and Incas. its thematic

For their many offenses against the architectural conventions of Wonders, and generally being quite heretical, The Cree have been DENOUNCED by Japan, warning the world that they are not to be trusted!


:yum::popcorn: :movie_camera: :earth_africa:

Don’t be jealous friend, your citizens are welcome to come and see the wonders of the Cree empire whenever they like. :slight_smile:

hi all! I’m starting to get oversubscribed in terms of games I’m able to get to every day now that I’ve got a number of 2v2 games picking up steam. Since I have teammates some other games, I think the best thing is for me to sub out of my FFA games to reduce to teamers only for the moment

Also, I’m going to be travelling internationally from june 25-30 and realistically won’t be able to take turns during that whole period. So I think the best thing is for me to sub out before Sunday

I’m currently playing as Sweden. Economic alliance with closest neighbor, Korea. Sitting on a stockpile of diplomatic favor. Number 2 in culture, but otherwise kind of a middle of the pack position (I don’t want to say too much to not mess with the game dynamic).

QUESTION 1: does anyone have any friends that would want to sub in? if not, I’ll make a post on discord

QUESTION 2: since I created the game, is there anyone that can volunteer to take over as the PYDT admin? (I don’t know how to do it, but I assume there is a way…)

Q1 No, Q2 I’ve already created 2 PYDT games in the past but my experience as an “admin” stops there.