SIM CITY 7: 7 seas, 7 seats, BBG 5.1, BBS, online, 1tpd, draft (bfedeb7a)

We might need an admin to change the mods used in the savegame. I can’t really know which ones we had in the save before today - I only mentioned 5.1.8 since it’s in the title so I assumed it’d remain the same in the save.

Yeah, it seems very strange that the game description says 5.1.8 but I have never had it and have had no problems with the game up to this point… And like I said, in the load menu the game says it requires 5.3.0.

if all else fails try getting these older static versions of BBG and see if it somehow works:

Goes into My Documents/My games/civ6/mods

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that should work i had to do it before

Nope static 5.1.8 doesn’t work either.

I’d like to revert again and find out what the previous player is doing, did you do something differently @andrewsmart48 ?

no nothing

Which version of BBG are you using?

I created the turn zero save fil. If it helps:

  • When I started the game, I wrote down that it was BBG 5.1.X. So that is at least what I at least THOUGHT it was at that time)
  • I just played a turn on another game I started around the same time. I also wrote down in my notes 5.1.X, but now the saved game says BBG 5.2.11. I don’t know if it was really BBG 5.2.X to begin with (and I made a mistake in my notes) or if it upgraded from 5.1.X to 5.2.X on somebody’s turn somehow

So it’s worth trying to load the save with 5.2 (if he hasn’t, yet)

No I have tried it, have tried all combinations of mods, nothing is working. Would love to know what versions Andrew has installed and why it works for him and not me??

I saw on discord that a few people are having this problem in other games too today. Apparently if we revert to the previous player and give the save file to an admin, they can edit the game file somehow to fix it?

let me know if there is anything I can do to help

I’d like to try to figure out exactly what @andrewsmart48 is doing differently to me, what are you doing that I’m not (or vice versa), what version of BBG are you using? What different versions are you currently subscribed to?

@StefanosG did you see this discussion in Discord?

Yes I’ve been following the discussion on discord, it seems a number of games are having the same problem and they have not found a solution yet. I would be really sad if we can’t get this going again, I was very much enjoying this game. Andrew, can you answer my questions please??

Thanks for your input @andrewsmart48 as I struggle with this and you could possibly help me… :confused:

So I did find something interesting; when I unsubscribe to 5.3 and try to load the game, in the load menu it shows that I cannot press load because I do not have 5.1.5 installed but when I resubscribe to 5.3 the load menu shows that the game requires 5.3… But still the same problem occurs when I press load.

So perhaps the game was started in 5.1.5 not 5.1.8… I can’t find a version of 5.1.5 on the workshop but if we can find that version it might work???

@StefanosG - just sharing this last message from adi on Discord in case it helps resolve:

I have not yet encountered a game which can’t be solved by using the statical BBG 5.2.11 or 5.1.8

I have only encountered players which initially didn’t copy the mod in the right folder or they kept the mod in a folder inside another folder in the mods folder, which doesn’t work, of course.

Well the static mods are showing up in my mods in game so they must be correctly in the right folder.

Like I said, when I am subbed to 5.3 the game shows in the load menu that it requires 5.3 but then after attempting to load gives me the error message.

When I unsub to 5.3 the game shows in the load menu that it requires 5.1.5 and with either static mod enabled in my mods manager I am unable to even press the load game button.

It seems to me we might need a static version of 5.1.5?

5.1.5 sounds like nonsense anyway, we might as well revert-turns some more and ensure Calcifer’s edit of the save lands to the 5.2.11 version with no doubts possible.

Would love to revert to Andrew’s turn and find out exactly what he has installed and what mod the game tells him is required but he is being frustratingly unwilling to help, despite my asking several times for some information from him.

Maybe if I revert he will be able to load with a static mod (instead of whatever he used before??) and in doing so it might allow me to do the same?

I’d argue Andrew’s turn might even be why your turn has issues (if he loaded the wrong mods and then saved the game)
Also he hasn’t played in one of my games for 2 days now - so he’s likely away and wouldn’t have answered anyway (though I know our troubles are older than 2 days)