I meant west, not east. Sorry.
In conflict, I have plans to one more city by the river between us. My other city plans probably don’t affect you.
Your promoted archer on that river is only 7 tiles from my capital. It seems several tiles further to your capital. Attempting to settle here would not be a wise choice.
Ah yes, I can see the campus coming; good job harvesting the stone first.
hahaha–I sure hope I don’t break my leg in sinus surgery!
I’ve also had some amenity issues, only about to get my second type online in a couple turns. And how does that work when you should have enough amenities, but they just don’t reach that city?
Your first example of a luxury resource give 4 amenities, spread out to the 4 cities that need them the most. If you have more than one of a lux resource, trade it away.
I’m happy to trade with you.
Oh, I’ll be trading one away as soon as I have two of a kind. So far it’s one single, that’s it.
it’s 2 or 3 tiles east from there, 4 tiles away from my city
Strangely, our scouts west of Poland, Norway’s and mine, were on the same tile when I started my turn.
The Sahara El Beyda is a sight to behold! Especially its cashflow, and Petra boosts! Poland has been lucky indeed. We see the Great Merchant approaches Baltimore. Will the riches all be reaped by you, or will our citizens get something out of this trader’s visit? Maybe Baltimore was chosen due to the culture output of Gobustan. A bit surprised also to see that Hypatia still lives (and has a new colleague!)…I guess they needed a place to set up shop.
I have to say, I am loving this game. Since I played MP, playing SP is a bit like necrophilia–I mean, not that I have any experience there. But everything just comes alive and focuses the mind when playing against other humans. It’s a bit like falling in love with Civ again for the first time, and appreciating Civ 6 in all its complexity for the first time, since I’m able to take it slow, turn by turn.
Hope you guys are enjoying it, too. I see I’m the only one with much of a role-playing bent, and I like to write. Hopefully you find this amusing, at least.
Keep it coming!
Yeah, I got lucky with Sahara El Beyda. I rushed like a maniac to get desert folklore for the bonus to the holy sites near the wonder. Felt like a good petra as well, even though I usually want more desert hills nearby. It took me a while to notice we don’t have the preserve district (Because we don’t play with New Frontiers DLC). I was thinking about trying to get that to boost the natural wonder as well.
I got so scared when @Onanista built the Stonehenge before my super rushed religion was completed. I thought for sure I had missed out on Work Ethic.
This is my first time playing with strangers as well and I really appreciate this game and that we are talking. It feels as we’re not really strangers anymore.
Are you a surfer, @Onanista? I did a quick internet search on your name (sorry, is that creepy maybe?) and got a surfing instructor. Is that you?
Is New Frontiers the latest expansion? What does it have? I could google, you know, but there are more messages to respond too. Lol and my turn.
Very well played stacking all that on a four tile wonder plus x number of desert tiles, that may be hard to beat.
Yeah well you beat me to the actual religion I believe, which surprised me, but then again, I have yet to build a holy site. There was a reason I could not found a religion straight away even with my prophet…can’t remember…I don’t think it was a barb, but maybe? I feel like I was waiting on a tech or something, but I can’t really make sense of that at the moment.
But those Feed the World Shrines and Temples will be coming online in the Medieval Era! Is Faworki a consistent favourite in MP or just yours? I mean I know you named it that, but Work Ethic. I suppose it’s a bonus that looks small but can stack to 20-100% potentially if you spread your religion far and wide?
@J_Dennis I hear you and that is a great thing that these global relationships can develop through the common love of this / a game! Your English is excellent, by the way!
I do surf, but I am not that Kalani Chapman, he just gives me cover on google. Not, not creepy, it’s 2021! I see I listed my full name in the name/bio section on this site, so perhaps I should amend…I might put a little too much out there! The other Kalani Chapman, who is a bit younger than me, is a pro or semi-pro surfer in Hawaii who is probably most famous for wiping out at Pipeline, hitting his head, and being resuscitated by lifeguards and possibly paramedics and so basically brought back to life after having drowned. Plus he has lots of videos of him surfing massive waves at Pipe, which is a bit above my level!
I’m guessing if I google J Dennis I ain’t gonna get much!
Except you were “too small”, and I was…20!
Francisco, are you Brazilian, or from elsewhere?
And Yeti, was it Kansas City? Born and bred or another state / country?
Any action in the Norse / Cree borderlands, or between Poland and Cree?
From what I know of the map, it kind of seems like a better deal for the south…mainly because of the nearly complete mountain range between us, which discourages war and promotes trade and, hmn, religious exchange, is that the nice way to say it? I’ve never really had a religious war.
Seven me posts!! Can you tell I want my turn?