Onan's game! (04a2043f)

We have two options:

  1. status quo continue as is

  2. revert a couple turns before the war, where Harald understands America means business, and either comes to fight, or takes his settler away.

Yes, technically America started the war, but we feel well justified after the Ohio Incident and the disregard shown to our clear warnings about settling a Viking city along our mighty Susquehanna River.

My vote is for option 1, but I’m open to compromise since, with the rules confusion on @francisco.santanna 's part, I can understand how he’d feel hard done by.

What do you guys want to do?

I’m making the assumption it is possible to revert turns, I don’t actually know!

This is not my war I don’t know exactly what just transpired in the war. Unless something very decisive happened in the war because of misunderstanding of the rules, I vote for continuing as is. We settled on playing with the simpler ‘friendly rules’. I think Norway can survive this surprise war.

The American first strike has been fairly decisive. With no losses, we have destroyed the warrior escort and a nearby archer and captured the settler. Unless berserkers coming charging out of the fog, it looks like we own the battlefield right now.

@francisco.santanna sounds like you were thinking he was safe from attack. If we can revert two turns, would you rather go another way with the settler? I think that’s the only fair option if we can revert.

Because if we revert two turns and you come to fight, neither is this fair to me, because of the lost initiative.

  1. continue as is
  2. revert and settler moves elsewhere, south of Hamar, for example.

@francisco.santanna is who we really need to hear from. Your thoughts?

Yes, I think you did misunderstand, unfortunately.

Yes, we should hear @francisco.santanna out. I won’t cast my final vote until I hear his side of the story.

I tell you what, if I was reading the rules in Portuguese, I would’ve been pretty confused too! I am assuming Portuguese is francisco’s first language…please correct if I’m wrong.

I prefer option 2 of course. I’m not sure if it’s possible though.
I also ack that I misunderstood the agreement.
The problem was not the English. I just paid more attention to the initial proposal and didn’t pay much attention in the other messages.

Okay, all good.

Given your preference, I’ll check in with Valamas or somebody and see about if/how we can revert, since I’m the host.


I think it’s possible to revert the turn but I am not sure if we should, honestly. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding but as @francisco.santanna said, he didn’t pay close attention to the discussion where we decided the rules. I wish no offence but I think it’s kinda on him.

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Looks like it’s already done. It’s fine with me.

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Well, you may have spoken a bit too late, @J_Dennis.

I discovered it’s actually really easy to revert the turn on the website, and have already started doing that.

I think I also went one turn too far back, so it’s Yeti’s turn to play instead of contasospam’s.

I think we can go from here then? I was thinking I might revert another round to Contaso has two turns to play. But I agree with Dennis.

I think this way is the best way forward. Sorry Yeti to make you replay that one!

Everyone all good? If not, speak. If you are, play on!

And keep your damn settlers off my borders! When I say it’s not wise to settle near me, IT IS NOT!!! :cowboy_hat_face: :rofl:

Now we have two timelines. Kinda weird.

Yeah, that’s the thing. Should we try to remember the path we explored the map and move the same way? Do we get to make different choices? It just opens a big can of multiversal worms! :scream::sweat_smile::laughing:

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Also kinda bummed. I mean, I knew a war would mean neither of us would be likely to win the game. But I don’t mind playing out the story of a game, regardless of the who wins. I would’ve done as much as possible to take Vikings down with me, unless we reached more peaceful arrangements–still possible!!

But the war had certainly gotten off to a cracking start for us! All good. That was that other timeline, the one where violence erupted. The civ gods have intervened and set us back on the path of peace.

You should try as much as possible to play the turn how you remember playing it previously. It may not be perfect, but you should strive for it.

Of course, now that I know the Vikings should move their settler away, I will still move my units to block him at every turn as I had been doing…I mean I won’t leave openings now just because we’ve reverted. I may make some decisions differently in terms of prepping for violence, though. Which I think is fair enough.

Just everyone remember: SURPRISE WARS ARE A GO!

Edit: I just mean they’re allowed. I’m not planning to surprise war all of you at the same time. It wouldn’t be much of a surprise after such a proclamation would it.

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I replayed my turn. I didn’t have a dog in the fight, and I was good with either resolution, so I sat out the conversation.

The only downside is that I had placed a handful of pins making note of my plans for the future, and they got reverted! Now I have to try to remember with my brain, like some kind of Neanderthal…

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Guys! I think we’re going to all need to band together to resist this surprise war from Poland…

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