[FIXED] New game - Player slider adds AI slots

I have noticed new players create games with AI players. I think the slider is a problem.

Here is a video is me messing around.

@Valamas - any thoughts on how this should work? Increasing the number of slots by 1 should always increment the human slider by 1 as well?

How about?

When the Map Size dropdown is changed, that it sets the correct number of slots and also sets maximum humans to match.

When the number of slots is changed, that the Max Humans is also changed to match.

Only when the Max Humans slider is changed, that AI can be added.

A label could be added summarsing the game, by showing the result as a row underneath much like when the game is created.

On a related note…
Map size versus players setting number of players. It is easy to setup a 6 player map and then make it 12 players. This normally does not work with Civ. Having the ability to edit the game settings as you have already setup will solve that because the player can correct their mistake. My initial thought was to change the map size to custom but I think that is too much.

Then there is the android icon…
I am wondering if the android icon (as being synonymous with the operating system) is the best cross language AI icon. I looked in google images for “AI Icon” but had better results with “Robot Icon”.

ScreenShot091 ScreenShot092

Multi language?
I mention this because I think non-english players have been the ones setting up accidental AI players. Also, that these games tend to time out. I could be wrong but worth thinking about the labels.

Is there a need to reduce the wording of some of the labels for our non-english players? It could be worth a question in the discord for our multi language players; how do they see that page from their perspective?

Not sure if there is a google way of setting the page so as to auto translate the labels is possible.

Also, to include instructions on creating a game on that page and in other places. Here is the my stop gap that I just posted.

@Valamas - OK, I’ve got this working how you describe on dev.playyourdamnturn.com if you want to play around with it and let me know if you like how it works.

As for multi-language stuff, I could work on getting the site marked up for internationalization and we could use google (or have people do translations for us), but it’s a bit of work. I’ll throw it out in the discord like you say and see if people think it’d be helpful.

I like the new AI icon.

The only scenario where it doesn’t feel right.

  • Set Number-Humans to one less, 5.
  • Set Number-Slots to 12
  • Result - 5 Human players. 7 AI.

I think that when changing Number-Slots, Number-Humans should always match.

Non-newbies should have no problem changing the number of AI players.

Also, a minor visual, when Number-Slots is 2, the Number-Human slider is sitting on the LHS. With 3 Number-Slots, Number-Humans slider is sitting on the RHS.

Quite a bit of work. Each drop down, and for different games. Google would be the first port of call. Only that traslation of drop down values may not match the game. Tiny could be translated to Small. Duel could be Fight.

What did you think of the preview of players vs AI icons on the settings edit panel?

Is there any better way of including instructions to new players? It doesn’t seem helpful for someone to come visit and then take off and do something else. Only after I discover a newb, that I then post the welcome and instructions. I have nearly all the games, so I could write up instructions for each game in the same document or seperate ones.

@Valamas - I had the code working the way it was because I thought it might be frustrating if you had set the humans slider on purpose to have it change on you, so I didn’t really like it to always change humans to match slots when you change slots. I did put a new change out to dev, though - if you change slots it will change humans to slots - (whatever the previous diff between slots and humans was). I think this takes care of both of our worries, let me know what you think. I also added the preview to the page.

For the instructions - are you thinking a canned message, maybe one per game type, and if we detect the user is new (never created a game? low turn count?) we post the canned message?

No problems. I still think that adding AI players should be the last thing since experienced players will simply correct that number where inexperienced may not. I just jumped on to dev and love that preview. So mute point as it is in your face!

Set Humans to 3
Set slots to 3
Only 3 AI players. No humans.

If you do not have it already, it would be interesting to view a change log (hidden field) so we can see what new players do.

E.g. Create game, save, adjust players, save, change map size, fiddle with a slider up and down, save.

AI players, intended or not? That is the Q.

Instructions, one help article to rule them all including all games. I will make one up and send it to you.

I will ask to you a test game of CIV 5. I will write those instructions then.

BTW - Civ 5 game, only Continents in the drop down on the PYDT edit page?

Here is the one post to rule them all. Will this work?
How to setup a game with PYDT

Civ 5 and Old World help popping up soon.

Here is my copy and paste to use, change or replace.


:spiral_notepad: [How to create your PYDT game](https://discourse.playyourdamnturn.com/t/how-to-setup-a-game-with-pydt/6486)

:tv: [See a quick youtube video of PYDT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4PeMesClTI)

:speaking_head: [Join our quiet discord. Help, News and New Games](https://discord.gg/CYhHSzv)

**Reply here or come to discord if you need help! :+1:**