Earth - 12 players - No password, you're welcome. (d5b1fb88)

Which version should I install? Game shows that BBG 5.1.8 is missing


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I guess I’ ll resign if the majority agree to it. I’m way behind in all aspects, was declared war some turns ago and I’m fighting units with units of my own that are 1 era behind. Raging barbarians to the north and already lost a city due to loyalty to America, I’m in the situation of an irrelevant player now.

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I agree, you are in really poor situation. I +

I won’t hold you back from leaving but I hope there will be other players to keep America in check :sweat_smile:

America didnt declare on Basil. Zulu nation did :slight_smile:
Hopefully they will not declare now as well :smiley:

I just realized that MisterT800’s turn is skipped. He is on vacation until tomorrow after Labor day. Do you wanna revert until he comes back?

I wouldn’t mind reverting, but I’ll play my turn anyway, pending more people voting towards a revert.

ok for the revert

Ah blast it, I’ll just revert now. Hopefully we catch up on it later.

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I realized that there are the more players, the more weak players who were forced to give up. There is no parity between the skills of the players.

Should I now raze his cities cuz its AI?
I planned to declare on him once our friendship expire.

I would say no trade no friendship and you can capture his cities (an i can too lol)

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fine by me. you probably beat me to it. but dont know how you want to deal with loyalty :smiley:
we will see I guess.

I suggest we switch our alliance to a cultural one? :wink:

I dont like that :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m, for one, very happy with Calcifer (and other players) consolidating their empire somewhere else so that they can challenge America running away with science/culture. :sweat_smile:

Whoever is on the American continent or wherever that hasn’t met America should do well to prepare accordingly.

To be fair, I only want your empire for the eye of africa and the other natural wonder, bull moose preserves will do nicer job on them than your encampments and commercial hubs :stuck_out_tongue:

Jeez. Have the players have left. What are you doing over on your side?

My scouting has been terrible so hard to say. There’s been wars for sure but I haven’t seen a clear snowballing warmonger.
I’m the northmost half of Africa and at war with a Bull Moose Teddy who’s doing very well in science+culture due to the landscape of Europe.