Banman39's archipelago FFA! (78a63abc)

I have no oil… +concede to Greece.

Please vote, I have no desire to carry on playing.

I have no desire to force you to continue in the game if you really don’t want to :man_shrugging:

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You’re free to resign, no obligation to continue if you feel you’re beaten

I don’t think it’s fair for someone to leave a game, if more than one other player believes they have a chance to win, when they’re not irrelevant to the outcome.

If one or more of you wants to play it out further, I will do my best to continue to survive as long as I can. There’s no obligation for anyone to concede either.

Personally as a player, I always prefer that someone actually win the game rather than other players just surrender and give up. I’ll play as long as the game is ongoing, but I don’t begrudge others who have different opinions and feel the game is over for them.

Just seen the size of the Greek Naval fleet… :astonished:

That’s just the tip of it …

Right, I’m out. WP Chevalier, GG guys.

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Thanks for sticking it out for a while @StefanosG. We Vikings almost feel sorry for the Japanese…but not quite!

Very WP, Japan. If left alone you would have kicked all of our asses (see: other game), so I reluctantly felt like I had no choice. :frowning:

I really liked your moves with the spy and the Terracotta Army at Takamatsu, excellent play all around. Thanks for soldiering on, I know it’s not fun to see your cities burned every turn.

gg @StefanosG !!!

Sorry for the delay, everyone - I was traveling between Christmas and now.

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I keep getting this error when trying to save: "Unhandled Exception
Error reading address 0x32a20

Call Stack

??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
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??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0"

Gotten it all day, on two different installations. Will try again tomorrow.

Just affecting this Civ game or others? Can always try reverting turn if no luck tomorrow.

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I was able to take the Pt 2 game earlier this morning, but haven’t tried it since getting hung up on one. Will try it in the morning and see, then give 1 a go. Have reinstalled Civ after deleting all local files, that might help.


First effort this morning failed. I can play the entire turn, even make a save in the turn, but as soon as I click ‘end turn’ and the hotseat tries to pass, the game crashes with the aforementioned error - and that’s after deleting all local files and re-installing. :confused: I have a few ideas for workarounds still.

Not seen that type of error before. Frustrating that it happens at the end of the turn…although I don’t suppose your game choices are too critical now…given your powerful position!

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Btw; Thanks, for letting me have my cities back…very decent of you :smiley: