Banman39's archipelago FFA! (78a63abc)

Smack talk goes here for banman39’s archipelago FFA!! Game URL:

Hi All. Given the map type should we all choose seafaring nations?

Seems like a good idea to get a civ that can deal with seafaring better than not to me :slight_smile: though for me, part of the fun is doing my best with the hand I’m dealt, so I may leave mine on random … but anyone should feel free to make a selection they think is best for them

Also: I can enable the following DLC: Aztec, Australia, Khmer, Indonesia, Nubia, Persia, Macedon & Poland … does everyone here have those DLCs? missing any one or more of them? I’ll only enable DLCs that everyone has

I have everything.

Random Civ for me then too. Leave it in the lap of the Civ Gods!
Yep, I have all DLCs.

i have all the dlc.

Maybe ban all the strong seafaring Civs then?? I have all DLC.

I’m open to banning civs if folks would like … anyone else support banning seafaring civs?

Alternately, we could limit the random civ selection to only seafaring-oriented civs, so that no one is stuck with a civ without any naval advantages … any preferences

Just thinking that if we all go random then one player might get Holland or something and no one else gets any naval benefits then it could be pretty unbalanced. Feel like we should all have naval Civs or no one should… But saying that, I am open to whatever, never played Civ 6 mp before. :slight_smile:

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seems to me like the strongest naval civs are japan, indonesia, england (particularly with victoria), netherlands, norway, phoenicia, portugal, ottoman, maori. What say everyone on whether to ban them, or limit the civ selection to only these civs?

I picked England with Victoria because I thought everyone was going to go with a naval civ, but I’m happy to go back to random or pick from the non-naval civs.

Well, in the interest of getting the game started sooner rather than later, I’m going to say – everyone pick your civ, naval or otherwise. Leave it at random if you like, but accept the possible consequences if you do! I’ll wait at least 24 hours to give everyone time to revise their choices if they like …

Ok I’ve bottled it and gone for Norway :man_shrugging:

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Hey Pete, looks like you’re still set for random … be sure to go to ‘Change your Civ’ low on the game page, click on the new leader, and then press the ‘Change your Civ’ button

Done.But I had to leave the game and rejoin to do it!

I’m happy to stay random and take my chances. :slight_smile: I thought about taking Norway at the start but it seemed a bit too aggressive - I’ll just suck it up and deal if I land Canada!

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and off we go! good game to all!

GG, Jdog. Thank you for keeping with the turns even though I probably made your game not fun. :frowning:

GG @J-Dog!!!