Banman39's archipelago FFA! (78a63abc)

Getting an error message when I load up:

Unhandled Exception
Error reading address 0x48

Click ok crashes to desktop, tried 3 times. I’ll try revert.

Most helpful reddit thread I could find:

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no reason for alarm folks, I reverted the game a whole round in the hope that it avoids the problem @StefanosG is having (he’s tried reinstalling, no effect)

We tried a few things but I kept getting the same error… So after talking to Banman, we decided to try adding a timer to skip my turn in the hope it’s only a problem with that one turn. Hopefully we can continue the game now and hopefully my units didn’t all do something stupid. :slight_smile:

Ah Yes…that would be terrible if they do something stupid :laughing:

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i’m getting the above error now too on my turn. do you want to try skipping my turn as well, or i can revert.

Well that’s very concerning … obviously, I’m open to ideas. Clearly something has happened to the game before Stefanos’s most recent turn, but this error is new to me and I’m not sure how to address it. The pattern suggests it’s not a problem with any particular player’s civ6 installation, but a problem with the game. We’ve already tried reverting a full round, but the error recurred afterwards. My instinct is to revert more than a full round (from the turn that first showed the error) to see if that avoids it … short of that the best I can think of right now would be to restart the game :frowning: any other ideas of what we should do?

Go for a ‘major’ revert, see if that helps. If we have to abandon, I’d be up for a restart.

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ok, i’ve reverted. @StefanosG can you do the same and we’ll go back a full round.

as host, I can revert all the turns :slight_smile: was just waiting a day or two to let anyone else who has ideas write in as well

alright, I’ve reverted a bit past a full round before the original error arose … fingers crossed!

A thought, seeing as it’s England’s turn before mine, does the game still think it is England’s turn, even though they have been knocked out?? Could that be why it seems like my turn isn’t processed properly, England’s turn hasn’t finished? Could we maybe try adding a player in to England’s place and seeing if that changes anything?

I thought about that when the error first appeared, but J-Dog was knocked out several rounds before the error cropped up, so it seems unlikely to me that this is the problem. Let’s see how the longer revert plays through before trying something else …

Going to try seeing if me not taking your city this turn changes anything Pete, think it would be fair if you didn’t shoot or move with archer in the city.


Appreciated, unfortunately I am still getting the same error and crash… :frowning:

:frowning: any other ideas folks? we’ve tried everything I can think of, failing another idea, I’m inclined to bag the game and do a restart. there doesn’t seem to be any consensus out there as to what might be causing this type of error

Is it even possible to add a human player into England’s slot, even though they’re dead??

We could try to add someone on the pydt side, but england doesn’t exist in the game file anymore … and if that was the cause of the error, why didn’t the error occur on your first turn following England’s elimination?

Idk but something in the code is messing up, so it could be something weird like that? There must be A reason this is happening. Can’t think of any other.