Banman39's archipelago FFA! (78a63abc)

Aw, nuts. I thought I had good chances in this one, too. :wink:

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definitely agreed that something is getting messed up in the game file code that is interfering with your (and Valamas’s) installation … we just don’t have any clue what might be causing it – all the current chatter in the forums about the error seems focused on the player in question’s system and installation, not on the game file itself – which I suspect (given the lack of clear success for many/most of the reporting players) is not generally the problem.

Given that this is the first time any of us have encountered it, my best guess is that it is tied to some particular combination of events in-game – but which ones? Could be anything, as far as we know right now :frowning:

From here, the path forward on the error would seem (to me) to lead through a blind attempt at repeated reverting with each player (starting with me, and then working backwards if I prove unsuccessful) doing as much differently as possible in the hopes of generating a turn file that you can load. If the group consensus is that we should try this, I’ll support it … my feeling as host, though, is that this is likely to be a long wild goose chase (with no guarantee/likelihood of success) of unfun in pursuit of a game we play for fun – so for me, in the absence of any solid leads/testable hypotheses (given that pydt detects a player’s defeat, it seems likely to me that trying to introduce a new human for England would create new problems) we should start a new one – either a new map with same civ choices, or a new map with different civ choices, or a straight restart.

Can I get a sense of the group please? Could everyone weigh in on this question? which would you prefer:
a) let’s go down the rabbit hole and try to recover the existing game
b) let’s do a straight restart on the same map with the same civs
c) let’s do a new map with the same civs
d) let’s do a new map with new civ choices

I think you do/did too

Agreed that trying to trial and error revert would be a wild goose chase and not worth it. I am curious as to what would happen if we added a player though as it really seems to me when I load the game that my turn has not rolled over properly and that is the problem, if I ignore the error report I am able to click on my units and cities (just not able to do anything with them) but my units are showing as having whatever movement left that they had at the end of my last turn. It’s like I’m looking at my civ but it’s not my turn yet…

I think it is worth it for one final try at reverting to 2 turns before the crash (we’ve only tried going back 1 turn so far) and then if that does not work we restart, I would vote same civs new map.

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For sure, you had quite a nice lead there, would be difficult for anyone to catch up.

when you load the turn what does it say in the lower right – does it say processing turn for other players? or just processing? it’s hard to say as there are no english units for it to be moving whether it’s hanging before or after the england part – my guess is it’s hanging after whatever it does for dead england and before it actually processes the math for the new turn for you, given the timing of when the error occurred relative to england’s death. I’m happy to revert back 2 full rounds of turns, I’ll do that today

have reverted us two full rounds before the error appearance :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

If this fails I favour Option C but I’m happy for others to change their Civs. I’d like to keep Norway.

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Now I’m getting the same error. Tried validating, uninstalling and reinstalling, no luck. Hm.

Oh wow, that was unexpected, it happened earlier and to a different player, wth is going on with this? So curious… Guess it’s a scrap then, sad times. :frowning:

Option C anyone!

super-puzzling … option C has 3 votes (including me), that’s a majority of those present. I’ll set up a new game same settings and post the link here

link to the new game:

password is exception

@J-Dog you’ve got a second shot!

Did you get it to work in the end? it just worked fine on my turn … :confounded:

I was about to get a beating anyway so happy to try again!

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Wait, so how did we get past Chevalier’s turn with the error??

that’s what I’m wondering

I made it through the turn on a separate install on another computer, for what it’s worth.

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Hmmm that’s potentially super-useful to know. Those of us still in the game, let’s keep playing a bit and see if the error recurs and, if so, if it can be circumvented this way again … anything we can learn could help if this comes up for any of us again in the future …

Ohh, since I gave my save file to Valmas and he also got the error I hadn’t thought of doing that. If I get the error again I could set up my old PC and try to play my turn on that instead…

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