Banman39's archipelago FFA! (78a63abc)

Yeah, that was the next thing I was going to suggest you try to do, except I didn’t because Valamas’s installation got the error … so I assumed that meant any installation would also get the error … guess that was a bad assumption :slight_smile:

btw you’re the last one we’re waiting for in the take 2 game :wink:

Still getting the same error on this turn, tried it on my old PC and no difference. Was there anything else you did differently Chavalier??

Nope. I did a fresh install of Steam and Civ on a portable SSD and used my work laptop to play the turn. :confused:

If it’s crashing when you load the save, maybe try loading in strategic mode? I had a few crashing issues earlier but starting in Strategic mode and then swapping to default once I’m in the turn has helped with that.

Well, just tried it randomly, not tried in weeks, and it worked!? I don’t think I did anything differently, maybe something updated? Anyway, can we invite Pete to rejoin?

Added 4 hours to my average turn time lol. :confused:

maybe an admin can do it? Or we might just be SoL.

I’ve changed the game details to make it so Pete can rejoin, and messaged him as much with the new game password

HI. I can see the game in my Completed Games list but can’t see a way to rejoin. That might be because I surrendered. Did anyone else surrender and rejoin?

as it turns out you were the only one to surrender … hmmmm

can you see the game in open games?

I can’t … hmmm

@HappyCamper @Pete I’ve posted in the support forum to have Pete added for Norway, if we could hold the turn at @HappyCamper until he’s in that would be great thanks!

I’m back! Let the play commence.


@HappyCamper give it a go!

Not sure why you have both declared war on me? I can understand why Greece would possibly do so as I am the biggest threat to their current dominance in this game… But Phoenicia too? Makes little sense to me? You should want another Civ to oppose Greece’s strength!?

He bought a horse tile from my capital’s third ring guys. :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually was just shopping around for anyone willing to do a joint war - obviously so I could intervene and keep you from eating Norway. :slight_smile: I meant to include a countdown as a “hey maybe this would be neat in the near future” but it became instant. :x Oops.

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anyone interested in a little buddhism? :pray:

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Pretty sure I have no chance here… That’s a huge navy, well played.

No one else has a chance against insane lategame Japanese cities! I figured either we’d slow you down now or not at all

(Shame my coal supply kept me from fielding battleships…I really like the resource system)