Banman39's archipelago FFA! (78a63abc)

Not at all. I didn’t want to win by Domination, but England had to go since his capital was literally 4 tiles away from my capital and we couldn’t both survive (then his starting army died to barbs and he didn’t build any more, so…). Japan had to go because he’s too damn good and he was going to run away with things if I didn’t step in!

Mordor has no more aggressive intentions (although we did take that Indonesian city because it wouldn’t stop revolting. Couldn’t work out how to gift it back in such a way that Gitarja would actually keep it).

Your Navy is hilarious…never seen anything like it!
I think history might be repeating itself in Game 2 :grimacing:

You could have had lower population in the nearby cities :wink:

Updates: Reinstalled & verified cache, no dice.
Disabled all my graphics mods (I like the Civ V skin a lot), no dice.
Ran in DX12 mode instead of my usual DX11, no dice. |
Updated all drivers, no dice.

Attempted the second game, success! Turn passed there.

I think we should try reverting to Peteyboy’s save and see if that fixes it?

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I got that error on first loading my turn but it was fine on second attempt :man_shrugging:

I got it on my first effort, tried again and still nothing doing. The other saves work, though.

Going to keep googling solutions, so far nothing I’ve tried has worked. :confused: Shame, I think I was going to be able to launch the spaceship by April.

Still getting this text:
Unhandled Exception
Error reading address 0x160

Call Stack

??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0

Just reread our first set of troubles with this game … perhaps we should let it marinate for awhile again if you can’t find anything else to try :crossed_fingers:

Tried restarting the PC, running only Civ VI with no background apps (no PYDT, for example), no mods, strategic mode only - same result. Pushing end turn crashes with the exception access violation. -sigh-

ugh :frowning:

Last thing I can think of is to roll it all the way back to Indonesia’s turn. The game keeps crashing when I try to pass it to Gitarja, so perhaps that’s where the corruption is?

Worth a try.


Regrettably, still no. Although the error code shrank:

Unhandled Exception
Error reading address 0x160

Call Stack

??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0
??? ! ??? ???, line 0

Not sure where the problem is, but it might be time to call this one.

Yeah. Shame but I think you might be right. Not like I was in danger of making a come back anyway :grinning:

I agree … the eventual outcome is pretty clear, one way or the other :slight_smile: am happy to call it as well

Do you want to give it one more try before we surrender out?

yeah, give me a few more days. One or two more things to try.

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Okay, so the turn is passed, but I had to do some weirdness to do it. I pulled my previous turn’s save from the website, set everyone but me to AI, and then played through 2 turns - substituting in the NEW turn for the old one. That seems to have worked, BUT you all will have had the AI play a turn for you, which might lead to some bizarre decisions (I know they dumped your envoys into some of the city states, for example). I felt that if people don’t like this result, well, then we can go back to the dead game. :confused: Not sure what else to try otherwise.

I think at this point it’s probably best to call it – you’ve dominated! good game! Barring massive mistakes on your part, you have your choice of victory conditions free and clear.

If you’d really like to have human players playing up to the point of your victory, I’ll stick with it (AI turns notwithstanding), otherwise I’m good.

Nah, you guys don’t have to play it out. I had worked it out that the spaceship would land before turn 300 - Osgiliath was going to rip through the space projects one after the other, and I had all my eurekas lined up for the key techs. The Grand Fleet would prevent any military interference, and I had the last Great Prophet on standby to insta-convert several of my cities if it looked like Indonesia was drawing close to a religious victory. It’s fair to call it, especially if it’s turning into a slog for everyone else.

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