8 Seats Invitational, No AI's, Std Speed, BBG (dcaeb351)

no to bbs
no to restart

So we have 4 to yes @MisterT800 @OtherRealisms @Calcifer @kapshul , 4 to no @chaldean33 @Bliss @our_witchcult_grows @PerroFlamer

Let’s decide it on a easy flip of coin once and for all.
Heads - yes
Tails - No

Anyone can verify it at command channel in cpl discord.
So lets continue with this game.


Nicely done.

Yeah. Thanks a lot Perro. I didn’t expect to do heads/tails as majority vote didn’t pass. Thanks for doing that also and being clear.

Thank you all for your patience.

Now that we have 2 games started I have opened the last game join in this link and post your ban, this is gonna be wetlands.
Password is the same, if someone has lost it pm me.

@Calcifer If you leave the settler, I will let your warrior and scout go home unmolested.

Delete the settler!

wow rough sstart

I plan to settle near Matterhorn and giving you the settler will remove my chance of doing that. so I removed the settler :slight_smile:

Well-played @Calcifer and @MisterT800.

GG. Matterhorn is busted, and it should be banned even with its recent nerf. the movement bonus was in my favor a lot.

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@PerroFlamer sent u FS deal

@OtherRealisms you got 2 points on this game, however the game still continues on the remaining games. :+1:

Is it against the rules of this game to take a 2nd city state? and don’t raze.

Let me know if it is and we can revert I guess in that case. But I dont see it anywhere so I took and didnt raze, and submitted my turn to dont stop the game.

These are the proposals for this turn, I’m sharing them so you can think what are you gonna do before u take ur turn, you can discuss them in private or in public.

@PerroFlamer plz check discord

This game will soon come to an end for me as Hungary has finally broken through with the hordes of levied units from multiple city states. I spend more or less the whole game fighting back Hungary levied units from one side and England from the other side who did nothing else that build archers and swords to send to me (no wonder they are still in bronze age).

Hungary an England seem to be allies and coordinating. It is a mystery to me why Hungary would come all the way to to other side of the map to send units to me when England is next door and Phoenicia much closer as well.

But there you go these are the joys of diplomacy. No issues it is all fair game.

One last thing I wanted to mention here and ask the more experienced players around.

Have you ever seen city states building siege units? The last horde from Hungary levied units included 2 levied siege units… I have never seen that before.

The number of units that showed up was also a huge surprise as I had scouted the nearest city state to me a few turns before and did not see these units, but lets say they were hidden somewhere far away in the fog…However siege units from city states I do not understand.

Anyway thanks for the game.

Playing against hungary is always difficult. I did see city states building siege units before, and I was actually playing as hungary the game I remember.

One of the main reasons I dislike allowing private communication is this teaming up against a player, and think they can defend the resources/production of two players alone. And most of the time, it is too late for the defender to find someone to help. either they are far or they dont want to be dragged into a war.
It is clear that it happened to Bliss in both this game, and the other one on Wetlands that Arabia and Cree are attacking him.