Zeta (8355b5e9)

Put it on a turn timer, other games have done this for this problem.

@OtherRealisms @J-Dog @Ceryn @DogBoy511 @Fatusblobus @andrewsmart48 @matt_lambert @dand4444

After a brief research, I was thinking of setting the game parameters to Turn Timer on set at 2 days, with ā€œgame paused during vacation modeā€
After a couple of weeks of this, I could reduce the time to a 1.5 or 1 days.

Comments? Approval? Howls of indignation?

Should i also be setting players can join after the start ?

Not sure I understood this bit:ā€¦
If a playerā€™s turn is skipped, they are changed to ai ?
So, if someone wishes to rejoin, some manual intervention is needed to restore them to their spot ?
Is that something the individual can do, or i should do, or it needs a request to @mrosack ?


Thanks for the suggestion.
Heartfelt good wishes for the future of your democracy over thereā€¦letā€™s hopeā€¦

At the moment all i see is stormy weatherā€¦

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If a player fails to make a turn in time, then the AI will take that turn. Player will still be in the game and able to take their next turn.

Iā€™m fine with turn timer, I donā€™t mind if Iā€™m unable occasionally to take my turn and AI does it for me.

Iā€™m fine with turning on a timer.

Timerā€™s a good idea.

Timer is good

Looks like a majorityā€¦thanks everyone.
Timer is set to 2 days, with game paused during vacations.
I will see how we go, and then reduce timer interval.

@OtherRealisms @J-Dog @Ceryn @DogBoy511 @dand4444 @Fatusblobus @matt_lambert

Andrew Smart has requested replacement.
Any suggestions/recommendations, or shall i just mark it for substitution ?

Mark it &advertise in the pydt discord

Thanks, Matt.
Have done so.

No bites yet.
I played with the timer, skipping thru Andrewā€™s turn, then reset to 1.5 days.

@Phuzzy @Osprey
It looks like another slot is currently available in this game.
Would either of you care to join/rejoin ?

Ok, I do it. andrew has to be replaced in a lot of games. It is only fair I take some.

Sorry to see him go.
Happy to see you arrive.

Dogboy has advised a fatal PC event, with a couple of weeksā€™ delay before motherboard can be replaced.
I will adjust timer etc prior to his turn.

Wanted to provide an updated. My computer is still broken. The repair man thought he fixed it, but everything is extremely slow, even opening simple webpages. I donā€™t know how long it will be. Typing this on an old computer.


I have bad news. My laptop is unrepairable. Turns out there was damage to the motherboard, video card, and power supply. I canā€™t afford a new computer right now and wonā€™t be returning to Civ6. Hope to see yā€™all in Civ7 next year. Feel free to replace me in game.


@matt_lambert @OtherRealisms @J-Dog @Ceryn @dand4444 @Fatusblobus @phuzzy

Sad to see DogBoy go after all these years.
Marked for substitution, but not sure if anyone will take this given the position.

So, I propose to turn the timer back on while we await developments. Comments anyone?

For full disclosure, I believe an eastern neighbour was and is attacking him, and I also was and am from the other side.

No bother here, happy to keep the game going.