Zeta (8355b5e9)

When does Christmas end at GMT-5 ?

Looks like @chaldean33 last played Civ6 on Dec 26th, and some other games today.
So I am assuming he is no longer interested.

That’s not cool. Not even to tell anything.
You really have bad luck with the players in this game.
By the way @matt_lambert will get a new computer next week. I would prefer I give him this game back.

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No, I’m still interested! Just got back this weekend. My son uses my computer for games.

Hope you enjoyed your holiday.
I have just found that I cannot see a way to remove the ‘substitution requested’ flag.
After you play your turn, I will request a bug for the flag to be removed.

no worries

Thanks for the update.
Was your contact with @matt_lambert direct?, so has he acknowledged or agreed to your suggestion ?

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He said he will get a new computer. He did not answer yet if he want to reclaim his place in this game.

@Phuzzy , @matt_lambert
Thanks for the updates.

While we are waiting for news from Matt, would you care to continue playing ?

Just to be clear about this:

  • Do you only want to give up the game if Matt wants to return to it ?
  • Or are you happy to give it up regardless ?

I’m happy to give up the game. Not because it is a bad game. Just because I did not build it and I just joined. Therefore I did not play it long enough and made it my own.

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I’ll take this game back if you like. I was a sub originally anyway but it’s fine. Now i have the new laptop im getting through my turns.

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very good. you can have it now

@Phuzzy @matt_lambert
Thanks guys.
I have marked Phuzzy for substitution, so Matt should now be able to substitute himself back in ?

Hi Matt,
Can you please substitute yourself back in to the game ?

How do I do that?

Good question.
I’ve never done it, and assume everyone knows more than i do on pydt.

If you go into Open Games
then, instead of the default ‘New Games’ tab, select ‘Substitution Requested’ tab.
Towards the bottom of this list you should see Zeta with Phuzzy highlighted in red for substitution.

I guess here is where you can submit your name, although not sure how (!?)

If you cannot achieve this at first go…
perhaps(?) you first need to go into your own player profile, select the ‘substitution availability’ tab, and submit your own availability for civ6 games.
After a successful substitution, perhaps unset your own profile availability in case you are pulled into other games.

Alternatively, ask @Phuzzy how he did this to join before ?

Good luck

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As far as I remember there was just a button “join game” and i cklicked on it.

Can’t see a button to join. Do we need to do a request elsewhere?

did you check this in your profile?

I logged a request for info in the bug section, in case.