Valamas' Fantastical Tree Map - Always War (5ba06410)

@Valamas - @andrewsmart48 has indicated on SmackTalk posts for other games that he can no longer play any games.

Could you please kick him, sub him or put a timer on this game so that I can finish it?

Thank you.

Looks like we are the only ones left. If I recall, you are properly mopping up.

Yes, I have been "farming Sweden and Mongolia. Andrew has a large empire and we are fighting extensively. I believe that I have got him beat because I believe that I am far ahead of him on science. I support that we could declare me the sinner, but I would like to play it out, even against the computer.

Sorry about the “farming” but I have been able to generate enormous amorous of gold to support my enormous military, also large amounts of science, culture and faith. This is the first game where I have actually done it successfully.

I can’t kick because I am no longer in the game.

Kick or sub, you will need to put in a request in the support forum.

Explain “farming” - I need to learn concepts to be competitive. I can quite, fill in for Andrew - however you want to go forward.

Farming - if you get 2 eras or more ahead on science of another civ or city state, you can send your military in and extensively pillage. Pillaging is very lucrative. You can get for example 300 gold from a mine. Use your siege and ranged units to attack city centers, gaining promotions. Pillage the enemies campuses so that you advance faster and they can’t advance technologically. Pillage the holy sites so that you can build religious units to convert them. Etc.

When you have pillaged everything, move on to the next civ. Wait 30 turns or so, then go back and pillage it again. Immensely lucrative. I ran up a gold balance of over 8000 while running -110 gold per turn.

Again, I have played for years and this is the first time that I was even in a position to do this.

Okay, thanks, had not heard it called farming

“we could declare me the sinner” - winner not sinner, although maybe both

Both fit :slight_smile:

how did the map script go. Were trees fun? Hiding in trees fun?

There were a lot of things that made this game tedious to play. I don’t like that cities with Renaissance walls get 3 ranged city attacks and a range of 3. This is way overpowered. I didn’t notice the trees thing.

If you want to see the map, why not sub in for @andrewsmart48? I think that I had him beat, but he has a huge empire (as do I, over 30 cities). We were fighting back and forth battles. You can look the map over and resign if you don’t want to play on.

The tree hiding was annoying. Cities should have as good if not better vision than units. Out in the wild it was good.

Shall I surrender?

If you wish. I can’t see how it would be much fun for you to play on.