There can be only One (more)! (1b30a07d)

Travelling in about 24 hours, for 24 hours, and then away for nearly three weeks…will have the old laptop…all going well, I should be able to still play my turns, albeit slowly (to load especially!).


@_Fhtagn I was just one turn away from Potala! You monster!

Serves me right for not switching to Autocracy earlier, I suppose.

I like how there’s a little military parade prominent in your complaint. :japanese_goblin:

Well, for the amount I pay for them, they should put on pleasing parades!

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It was very worth my near total deforestation of my territories xD

Gilgamesh is wondering what the point of life is without battle, and without his old companion, Enkidu. Why are we all hanging around this old rock, which for some reason we can’t populate fully?

Jayavarman VII wonders what fool would leave the sprawling capital city.
We have aqueducts, arts, and amusements for all. We have wisdom, wealth and wonders!

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Seondeok just claws at some dirt. “Huh?” she says.

And alliteration!

Actually it was not Gilgamesh wondering, really. OCC…the battles are by nature genocidal if they’re serious, and either of limited effect or serious long term harassment / domination. And without that interaction…it’s a bit like playing SP? (Which I just don’t do.)

Who knows, maybe something interesting will happen.

Just to be clear, lest anyone take this as some sort of vague threat…it’s really just an expression of general boredom. :yawning_face:

Yeah that war was pretty exciting there. For a minute I thought something was going to happen!

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Many Sumerians don’t even think Korea exists, they dismiss it like it’s an old wives tale, or Kongolese propaganda.

That’s just the way Korea likes it. Also it’s boring here. Sumerians would not be enteretained.**

Are you saying they would be inter(red)-retained?

I wonder if AI in a OCC are also limited to one city, or if you’d face full empires. That could an interesting challenge and situation for cooperative play amongst humans.

AI are indeed limited to one city, with the same border expansions and unit spawns that we get.

Yes yes boredom, very good. looks over shoulder at troops invading Ngazargamu

Btw, do we have rules over conquering city states, seeing as this is an OCC game? Is it even possible not to raze them? Are we allowing it if the game allows it?

As I said before, that CS is way too close to me to stay alive, so it has gotta go. The question is should it go civilized or up in flames…

I think it should raze automatically. If it doesn’t, you choose manually raze it, to keep it OCC.

Alrighty, up in flames it is.

And gone it is.

I got four bombards, free units. We’re deleting these, right?

That was the idea yup.

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