There can be only One (more)! (1b30a07d)

For the record: I actually could have kept the CS, the game did give me the option.

You can reload the save file and try what happens if you try to keep it.

I don’t have it anymore, but tbh it felt pretty much vanilla, my expectation is that if I had clicked on ‘Keep’ instead of ‘Raze’ I just would have kept the city :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The Sumerians have recently adopted the Food Market religion. It’s remarkably practical, so practical in fact that it even makes sense to us when we have no concept of this thing called “holiness.” We see it is catching on around the world, at least among the Khmer’s closer neighbours. We beckon the rest of the world to join us in our spiritual plenty!

Sorry for not being able to take my turn for a while. I’ve been busy celebrating the Swedish midsummer. I hope you’re all having a nice weekend! Does anyone else celebrate midsummer?

Not exactly midsummer, but there’s quite a lot of celebrations here in Montreal around the 24th of June for Quebec’s national day, la St-Jean-Baptiste! ^^

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No worries. We’re celebrating the shortest day of the year passing last week…mid-summer…no special celebrations…Jan 21 is almost back to school time here.

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This is starting to look like a religious victory for the khmer isn’t it! Not much anyone can do about it, I just noticed china lost their religion in their own city, so unless @_Fhtagn has some missionaries hidden somewhere its pretty much going to happen huh!

That is, unless some wars are declared and some martyrs are made…

Yes. I think I win in 1-2 turns.

Do you have friendships with everyone?

Sadly I have been bound by Sumers alliance to not expel the Khmer proselytizers by force, or I might have been able to hold them off xD
Wasn’t quite ready for the amount of hidden away apostles when I poked the bear some 15+ turns ago :stuck_out_tongue:

Well anyone that doesn’t have diplomatic ties could still save us! Just killing religious units removes pressure in nearby cities so maybe its doable ^^

I still have 15 turns friendship unfortunately so won’t be able to :confused:

I do. Isn’t that delightfully devious?

I also have an alliance that won’t expire before J_D’s religion has spread to Korea. Oh well!

With all weird stuff with this experimental mod I felt it was time to try to finish this up. The opportunity was too good to pass up.

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Yeah I think religion or domination is the way to go in this kind of game. Space and culture take forever.

@_Fhtagn managed to flip his city to not follow my religion. Lucklly for me I had an apostle nearby to flip it back to me. I flipped @Ceryn and @Sledge_Poteet with a barrage of apostles and missionaries. Victory screen confirmed.

Got two achievements. One for duel map and one for winning as Khmer. I was sure I had done that before but apparently not. Abandoning single player civ games is a real thing.

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Thanks for an interesting but buggy game. It was nice trying it out. Kudos for @Ceryn for defending your capital so well against two idiots.

Should I upload my screenshot of the win screen or something as proof?
What do we do now? Just surrender and quit. There is no apparent way to gracefully finish the game on PYDT. Probably to no fault of PYDT. That’s probably just the game.

Grats, J_D, well played. (Thanks for not letting us drag it out to space!)
I guess @Valamas could tell us more about how to end the game on PYDT, if he were in this game.