Shuffle the conflict (3f9da6e3)

Want me to revert one full turn? Or more?

Can we start with one full turn, and see if the loss persists ?

If this recurs, then we would need to go back to the last take of the city - this may be 3 or 4 turns further.

Sorry this might get tedious.

I just reverted 1 full turn. Let me know if that works, or if I need to revert further.

I have just replayed, but this is one turn before the city revolts (perhaps that is weird also, and it should have revolted this turn?)

So I still have all policy slots, and all filled, so I should find out next turn when it revolts if the more serious problems recurs.

Out of superstition, I also made some slightly different moves and build options, to ‘help’ it turn out differently… :roll_eyes:

No joy.
This was my 237.
Please go back 4 turns to 233 - I think this might be correct to pick up previous revolt, recapture, and now raze.

Ozy, it’s your turn on turn 233. Let me know if that works.

Good thing I can telework some days in this job :slight_smile:

I am going quietly insane here.

Partly, because I now have no memory of how I acquired the additional military slot in the first place.

In this reverted save, I also only have the 2 military policy slots, but that was not true the first time round.

I had stored a copy of my pre-played turn 224, and just reloaded this, and there are the 3 slots I was expecting.

It “seems possible” that a bug that clears policy selections on a revolt could also somehow remove a slot if extra fruity. But this replayed turn plays differently now than then. I don’t want to revert to 224.
I will have a cup of tea and ponder.

My apologies.
Perhaps I should have had the cup of tea and reflected more carefully yesterday…
I spoke no lies, but the clues are in my posts above.

The city I have been repeatedly conquering and losing through revolt contains the Alhambra.
I pay zero attention to wonders in conquered cities, as I thought I read some years ago that Civ6 does not confer the benefits of conquered wonders.

Oops! So we reverted 4 turns in naught?

Hence the apology…

OK Weird.

As a test…this game plays ok with the ‘new’ gpu

I think I just played my last turn. Ozy should capture my last city next turn. I don’t see Dan catching up, so at the risk of a premature comment, congratulations to Ozy on a game well played. There aren’t many things more frustrating than being in a war of attrition with somebody only to capture their last city, then another player (Ozy) shows up with far advanced units and easily captures the cities I just spent 200 turns fighting for.

I will start the next game soon but my play time will be limited over the next week. I have family coming into town this Saturday for 9 days.

GG, I was wondering how that was going. Ozy can continue to crush me or however he wants to go. I was pretty much DOA in this one.

I am beginning to notice an amusing inverse correlation between my early post in a thread complaining about my initial situation, and then actually winning the game. Sadly, I don’t complain often enough
(…awaits intakes of breath…)

Here the repeated weather wipeouts of my capital was eventually more than compensated for by a nicely sized continent with a number of ai tribes distributed in an obvious suck-em-up-in-this-order arrangement. Still, over the course of the game I must have lost around 50-60 pop through storms of various kinds.

I can yet see only the outline of Dan’s continent, so unfortunately too small to help.

I do like Cossacks: attack, kill, and retreat to safety.

Continent? A not very big island half desert. Weather has hammered me as well. I almost had one coal but that got flooded out. Oh well…

The game is over. I took the capital, but then lost control of the victrory screens, so I don’t have a save to send on. I could try again if needed, or I’ll just surrender it.

Funny. I am good. Thanks. GG.

I will start a new game and send a message for invites. Got family here so it will be a bit.