Restart - Archipelago - FFA 8 players - All DLCs + BBG + BBS + 5 UI mods (13e4e598)

I can’t play my turn after following the instructions:

This means the static bbg is not installed correctly.
How does your mod folder looking?

So I extracted the files inside:
Documents\my games\Sid Meier’s Civilization VI\Mods
And they do appear inside the “Additional Content” it even has little icon of folder next to it:

And I checked for the steam mods folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\289070
And it does show the mod that I just extracted.

I think the extracted mod you sent me is different from the save version.
I need 5.1.5 not 5.1.8, am I right?

Please install BBG 5.3 static. not 5.1


I cannot fight against these odds. I’ll keep producing units and defending, but if a majority of players agree to it, I’ll forfeit so the turns may go a bit faster.
… And let the remaining players know that they should make preparations against the Invicible Armada…

I personally feel that players should be able to drop out without getting a guilt trip.


Agreed, if you have lost and all you can do is watch your empire get destroyed no matter even if other players get involved, then you shouldn’t waste your time.
Learn from your mistakes and move on.

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you should not resign until you have lost 75% of your cities ideally. Thats the clan wars rule i believe and is pretty fair on all players.

but every game is different

@andrewsmart48 ur turn is skipped. shall I revert?

Can you please. Thanks mate.

I need to instal the static bbg and it will be Saturday before i have that kind of time.

Done. I realized it cuz because of a weird deal that this should be AI :smiley:

I’m removing the timer until everyone has installed the static bbg

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should I add MPH mod to avoid the exploit discussed in PYDT discord server (link) or not?
Please vote on it until my next turn and I will add it if you want.
You can disable this mod after subscribing to it through Steam, and it doesn’t affect any other games you have. and it also doesn’t affect this game apart from forbidding the exploit.

  • Add MPH
  • No MPH
  • Either is fine. I follow majority.

0 voters

I think it’s now obvious who is going to win.

Good game @Calcifer and @danlmartins !

Any ideas for another game?

I will add you if you want to it.


I don’t know about the start of this game but when I subbed in the congress was completely inline with Spain bonuses. with 100% prod towards harbor buildings, I built all shipyards and spammed armies with 50% production towards units until the end of that congress. The magnus internal setup of Danlmartins was also very good and I continued doing that to have nice prod with Spain internal bonuses.
rest is history. GG WP everyone.