Race for the Heavens (344c0f05)

Hey, just noticed the turn is nearly 10 days old…and it seems the travel you mentioned was last month. Everything okay?

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pretty sure we need a replacement,.

If there’s no response in another day or so I’ll get onto getting another player to sub for us.

Just realised this is @Sledge_Poteet 's game…so his job to find us a sub. Instructions on the forum. :alien:

LOL I was wondering! I’ll follow up on this shortly.

Ain’t that just the truth: the guy who did the most bitching and whining is the one that quits. :tired_face:

All righty. I have booted Mr Erekose for the crime of being Absent Without Leave and have installed chaldean​33. He seems like a good guy so hopefully he’ll be down to pick up where our absent friend left off. If not, I might just let Gitarja take the reins.

Welcome chaldean33! Thanks for subbing.

@Sledge_Poteet, just checking he’s aware of the rules for this game?

Not yet! Hey @chaldean33! Thanks for joining up. Please check the following details:

Choose your victory: Religion or Space. One way or another, we are heading for the stars before the world ends. All victory modes off except Religion and Science.
Conquest of AI civs is allowed but hostilities towards human players is discouraged. However, wars of religion or retribution for espionage/aggressive settling are allowed. Naturally, take all the city states you please.

Fractal map, new world, low seas, abundant resources, balanced start location, Secret Societies, Barbarian clans, Apocalypse mode.

And, now that I read that intro, it looks like “Conquest of AI Civs is allowed”.
Why did I return Spain’s cities again? Did we make another rule somewhere?

Maybe I misunderstood and none of us realised…I think we got caught up on the list of acceptable reasons to go to war?

Never mind. It was a fun role-play even though it caused a significant upset to my economy.

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You could always take a mulligan. :see_no_evil:

Babylon tech bonus is buggy: I own three bombards, and the inspiration for Siege Tactics still has not triggered…doesn’t seem like it will. :frowning_face:

Edit: our condolences to the citizens of St Petersberg for the catastrophic eruption and considerable loss of life! :volcano: :astonished:

I’ve hit that once or twice and not even as Babylon. I think there’s also a Musketman-based boost that sometimes bugs out, or is it Line Infantry?

Line infantry.

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it’s 2 trebs you need for that eureka

Ah, so the text for it in the tech tree is wrong. Thanks!

yeah i asked their qc guy to fix it but not going to happen now

Andrew were you involved in playtesting Civ 6? I can’t remember…I think I did that on 4 or 5.

So, what’s going on in this world, with our Heavenly ambitions? Russia is an absolute religious beast, we all better get our Defenders of The Faith in order, because they are going to come, no doubt–I have faith!

Science…Babylon is holding a slight edge, but it’s probably unlikely it will last… . What’s everyone else doing? With the prohibitions on war, it’s even more of a build fest than civ usually is.