Race for the Heavens (344c0f05)

Looks like you noticed the password :upside_down_face:

I’m open to other settings, we can discuss in that thread. Heroes would be fun for that game!

Regarding city states and war, I think it should be a “good reason” to liberate any city state which has been conquered, whether you’re its suzerain or not.

On a related note, Babylon just wants you to know we have a lot of people. Our second and third cities are the same size or bigger than the two capitals we can see. :astonished: :sunglasses:

mr six i have perhaps been over agressive that tile is no further from my cap than yours. I had a settler where your city was a long time ago and it was washed away and a replacement on the way when you settled. It’s pretty close to my cap but also to yours in fairness. Hardly your fault i am pissed at a flood.

Ah, I totally understand, Andrew. But I’m sure you can understand my dismay at your claiming a tile that you can’t even use, within my city’s second ring but 4 (5?) tiles from your nearest city.
Australia was viewing this annexation as clearly aggressive, but now–apprised of Russia’s history in the region–we are more inclined to be quizzical than defensive. We’re not planning to go to war over it, if that’s your concern, but we’re not sure Russia can be completely trusted at this stage.
Perhaps we should set up some trades, or we could assist each other to “incorporate” a city-state each, as a gesture of goodwill? (Let’s that take conversation offline, if we do).

in fairness it will be second ring for me too soon. yeah we can do some trading off course.

I guess if you’re both planning to conquer city states, you’re not gonna vote for liberation as a just war option.

@Sledge_Poteet, Hammurabi formally requests you state your “good reason” for the conquest and impending genocide of the Spanish people? It does not seem to meet any of the criteria decreed by our common maker.

The Australian people once feared for their lives, and regret that violence was required to secure our borders. We report gladly that the Spanish threat seems to be contained … for now. Unfortunately, Kristina of Sweden has also started making bellicose threats. However, should these escalate, Australia will not pursue a war of conquest.

Philpe is a bully. Kristina is threatening me too. not scared

And which of these Good Reasons does this war of conquest (you have captured THEIR capital) fall under?

GOOD REASONS (examples)

  • espionage: they stole my tech! they blew up my industrial zone! not cool!
  • religion: they’re converting my cities when I asked them not to, and I don’t have the faith to purchase apostles for defence. My military will expel these heretics!
  • culture: they flipped my city with their blue jeans and rock music! we will get that city back, but with guns!
  • protectionism: they are attacking a city-state that I am suzerain over

and finally,

  • World Police: they attacked another player without sufficient cause, we think. Unofficial emergency; time for some 5-on-1.

We do not see “fear” on the list!

Ah good point,… I forgot myself. I shall return Madrid to the Spanish forthwith.

Seems like a good call, given you’re pretty clearly running afoul of the World Police here. Whoever they are!


Is that like, less of a cheer and more of the sound of getting pulled over? :thinking: 👮‍♂

We await the beautiful sight of a free and independent Madrid once more ruled over by the Spanish themselves!

Right. Madrid has been returned to Spain with some luxury resources thrown in as a “sorry” geture

I can’t believe I forgot my own dang rules. I was so worried that Russia/Andrew was gearing up to declare on me, too, when I shouldn’t have been. Oh well.

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In our particular fantasy world, at least!

(You do have some impressive culture and especially faith, for sure! We Babylonians do hope to continue to outpace you in learning, or, as we call it–short cuts.)

Go well in the ways of peaceful, heavenly aspirations! May your, hopefully now friendly, Spanish neighbours forgive your transgressions!

Hi , if you wish to stay at peace , please stop provocating disasters with your soothsayers on my lands , one is heading to mataram , and if you don’t get it back home i’ll dow to kill him .

You can use them on your lands or elsewhere.

About religion, you sent your missionary to turn my city religion , i’ll accept it once , but if you continue , i’ll do the same and produce massive apostles to kill any religious units you send to my lands.

untill now , for peace and good neighbouring reasons , i abstained to send any religious units to your lands , but if i do so , as i got better faith prod , i’ll easily succeed …

Up to you to choose, but i’m really a badass at war , religious or not :wink:

Hope you’ll understand so we can coexist peacefully.