Race for space (2d65b74e)

same here, Incorrect game turn in save file! (actual: 140, expected: 141) error


I have the same issue now too. How did you solve it? Will admin allow game state reset so that turn can be uploaded?

I have to wait for timeout so that turn is skipped?

I don’t know another solution.

A solution is to revert turns to Beanz, and then kick him and let AI take the turn.
Better than everyone having to skip.
Otherwise this game is done.

Or admin of this game (@Tropical Chaos) should enable reset of games state (can be found under Admin Tools), so that pydt will not check turn number and will allow someone to upload saved game file.


I get this error. And since a Congress Turn I certainly don’t have any moves left.

Incorrect player turn in save file! This probably means it is still your turn and you have some more moves to make!

I got the same error after reverting my turn.
So I will just let the timer run out.

2 more drop outs. Seems like this game is bust.