Race for space (2d65b74e)

Smack talk goes here for Race for space! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/2d65b74e-19c0-4182-8cda-8f5e0fb4959d

Voting for option 1

very interesting game.

but maya needs farms to get housing, and thats hard to do on highlands map because of the hills.
I vote for BBG + if we are voting on it.

and we all play sth other than Maya on highlands. or option b

It’s right, that you’ll have only a few farm-tiles (mainly through corn etc.). But it’s the only map on wich nobody will start at a coast.
And as all players have this disatvantage, it shouldn’t matter, just prolong the game.

@BBG: If we all play the same leader, BBG isn’t really needed.
I’m normally against it, cause

  • if i see the changes of nerfs between the versions of BBG, the guys making it don’t really know, what they’re doing and don’t calculate exactly, what their nerfs are doing - it’s more trial and error

  • We want have troubles with updates of BBG, neither on running the game nor, that ones tactic will suffer from a new nerf (o.k., we could avoid this with a static BBG-version but due to the first point I’m mostly playing without.

But if we’re playing the second idea, it could sctually be usefull to play with it, cause unlike my other games there will be no bans. (Usually every player may ban 2 leaders that she/he thinks to be OP without BBG.)

There is lakes map that there is no big water like pangaea or 7seas.
but highlands bonus on production is better for a science-victory only game. we can all play scotland on highlands?

BBG doesn’t just change the civs. it fixes a lot of issues in tech tree, governors are better, etc.
But at the end of the day, its a vote I think, and I prefer playing with a static BBG to don’t have the second point issue.

But o.k., we could also play all with Vizier Saladin, Tokugawa, Pachacuti or some Chinese or Korean leader on setting 1.

O.k., we have written at the same time. I’ve never played lakes - so maybe this would be the better option for idea 1. I just didn’t know.

And yeah, I’m aware, what BBG does also - but the one point with the nerfs is beating all others on “normal” games.
And yeah, there are some arguments to use it here (static).

lakes is very flat, and I saw a lot of players hating it :smiley:
if u are okay with changing the civ, highlands might work out better actually

I’m open for everything as I wrote in game description. My basic idea was just, that either all players are playing the same (science based) leader or sience victory is obgatoric but everybody may choose, with wich leader he runs the space-race.

With other leaders than Lady Six Sky it’s also not necessary to play a map without oceans…

Once nore about BBG: If there would be a version without any leader-/civ-nerfs, I would clearly always use it. (and ban some OP leaders or let the players decide it with their bans.)

I adjusted the game description regarding what we have discussed so far.

I like the idea of option 1 without BBG. I’m ok with any map or leader.

Prefer no BBG.
Any map or leader ok, but prefer not Korea.
Only because I’m player Korea in another game just only recently started… by Markelix actually!

Something to consider perhaps:
If all of us are same civs, there is only 4 color per civ. so some of us will have same color in the game.
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:joy:Have exactly thought about yesterday.

This makes the game a bit more tedious, less so with the areas, but if in doubt you need to “mouse over” the units to see who owns them.
There are mods with revised color schemes, but unfortunately none that allow you to choose from more than 4 schemes.

Ultimately, nothing that couldn’t be dealt with.

More important would be the obligation that everyone names their cities individually.

maybe we have two civilizations in option 1 and everyone either pick from the two or random assignment.

Or (just brainstorming now, no proposal) we take all leaders with good science and everybody chooses 1 (on a random order), but every leader only once:

With a pangäa or continents map there should be good terrains for each of the leaders.

Leaders imho possible:

  • Lady Six Sky
  • Vizier Saladin
  • Tokugawa
  • Pachacuti
  • Seong
  • Seondeok
  • Kublai Khan (Chinese)
  • Qin (Mandate)
  • Wu Zetian
  • Yongle
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sounds very good for me :slight_smile:

sounds nice but some of these are much better than the others :smiley:
for instance, maya vs. saladin in base game