Race for space (2d65b74e)

Hey there :slight_smile:

@Stezo187 you really wanna fight until the end of this game? What is that move really? There is enough space for everyone but you come and settle in a place that literally blocks the two pins that I had!

Not that I need to explain myself, but there is someone else to the North of me, Snow and a city state to the south, and Mountains and ocean to the East.
That tile was a nice freshwater tile I could settle to the west of me.
The Japanese empire needs lots of land.

@Bliss In the east from Willka Waman is a Babarian Village, be care

shall we look for a sub for Markelix here?

@Tropical Chaos agreed to sub in this game. I made a support request for PYDT admin to sub him.

I am trying to reduce number of games I am in, so I left this game and Osprey kindly subbed in for me.

Thanks @Osprey for subbing in for me. Good luck to all of you towards space.

Hi all, glad to be here.

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im getting a Incorrect game turn in save file! (actual: 140, expected: 141) error

Try reverting the turn?
Perhaps it is because Beanz skipped his turn. Seems he has skipped a lot of them this game.

turn reverted

turn reverted again beanz again skipped turned. ran into same issue

I wonder if he is still even playing.
Feb 10th was the last time he took an actual turn. The rest have been skipped.
@Beanz are you still around!?

same here, Incorrect game turn in save file! (actual: 140, expected: 141) error


I have the same issue now too. How did you solve it? Will admin allow game state reset so that turn can be uploaded?

I have to wait for timeout so that turn is skipped?

I don’t know another solution.

A solution is to revert turns to Beanz, and then kick him and let AI take the turn.
Better than everyone having to skip.
Otherwise this game is done.