Operation Argument (3f4f440e)

I also had to fight a lot with barbs, but I got an hero that helped.

But I’m not surprised, It happened literally in every marathon game that I played :smiley:

I had a pretty bad start myself. This is my first game playing with heroes, and I didn’t realize the “Questing Knights” that my Hero Arthur created would disappear after 12 turns, so I wasted a lot of production early on… :sweat_smile: On the plus side, I did manage to clear a bunch of barbarians with them, so they haven’t been a big issue so far.

I’ll do my best to catch up again :slight_smile:

I’ve been mostly successful against the barbs. But I suspect that soon they will start to spawn swords and the tide might turn.

The restrictions in this game (no promotions) mean that our military need to be rebuilt and start from scratch in each era so it’s never going to get easier.

thank you for the feedback everyone.

I am doing very well with the Maya. I have a hex civilization happening.

With the mistake of city states and the barbarian problem. I am interested if anyone wants to abandon the game?

happy to continue

Ya, let’s continue. Been playing for a while so don’t want to stop.

Well, that is the quickest marathon I can remember.

Why is there an early cultural victory?

Appears to be so.

it must be a mistake. Game said I was imminent for culture victory but when I checked victory progress my tourism only had 2/10 and I was tied for first place

I’ll be on vacation next week. Will try to get my turns in once a day, but can’t make any promises…

Hi @Tiresomehoopla. Do you know when you can play your turns again? thanks

we may have lost @Tiresomehoopla

is someone attacking Scotland?

I’m not attacking Scotland.

I’ll wait another day, then it’s kick time.

Just a reminder because there is an AI in the game.

  • No trading with the AI
  • AI is in the game?
    The only city that can be captured from that point on is the capital. All others must be razed.

After chatting with another player. The situation of the AI has come up.

After first reviewing the rules of WAR MUST END. We found the AI does not want peace.

Therefore, we use the backup rule from the base game rules.

AI is in the game?

  • The only city that can be captured from that point on is the capital. All others must be razed.

  • No pillaging of tiles for gold / faith / science / culture with city states or AI players or via loyalty flipping (exploit). Healing allowed (farms etc)

If the player had captured the city before this clarification. They may keep the city as we were discussing this. Hopefully this oversight will be accepted in lieu of reverting perhaps a few turns.

Only take his capitol… :thinking: will raze all other untill peace come in one or other way… :expressionless:

Not required to have peace with the AI. Just only keep the capital, raze the rest. So destroy them if you want to. (and anyone else may too).

This is not fair :frowning: (that’s my southern border)