Operation Argument (3f4f440e)

no problem, like cs but is not mayor insue…

look what I found Screen Shot 03-09-22 at 02.24 PM

but seriously this game is outrageous lolScreen Shot 03-09-22 at 02.35 PM

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Did the version for Better Balanced Game change? It says 4.5.6 is required, but I have 3.15.1 and 4.7.5 installed…

I subscribed to this static version. It seemed to fix all three of my various old versions of BBG:

That seems to have done the trick! Thanks for the tip :slight_smile:

I have pinned on the map the rules. So pull up your pins list and hopefully they will appear at the top of the list.

Hi @Valamas

I had a read through the mod settings above but didn’t see anything about this. With the expansionist units and early forts, do the forts create culture bombs, so that we can in effect build outposts? Thanks.

I have never built one. I would do a single player test but I am swamped ATM.

got an error

any idea ?

Revert turn if it is still not working.

done !.. hope it works

nope not working… will redo again

try disabling all of your mods in the main menu then restarting the game. Then try loading the game; it should automatically only load the mods required for the game

Send me the save file in discord. Ill try to load it.

Sometimes reverting twice fixes it.

I have yet reverted… not sure who has the turn now…

Reverted to @petrojbl1

I’m getting the same error as Ramiro. Also reverting.