Operation Argument (3f4f440e)

Do you know why I did not get the free monument as Trajan? :astonished:

I donā€™t know for sure.
Nerfed I would say. A free monument with these rules would be so powerful.

But thatā€™s the reason I chose Trajan :sweat_smile:

I thought you very lucky to choose and be rolled Trajan. :game_die: (I was hoping for Trajan too).

hey so my warrior didnā€™t recover health when getting promotion. Is this intended because I donā€™t see it anywhere else in the rules? Or is this a bug? Anyone else encountered this situation yet?

Nerfed :sweat_smile:

Found the docs page for the mod. More infoā€¦

Promotions no longer heal


lol well at least we found this out early on. This changes military strategy significantly

So far I have built a scout. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m doing well or not :thinking:

Me too, letā€™s meet somewhere :smiley:

me too ā€¦ my poor warrior were very boredā€¦ :sweat_smile:

I built a slinger and cleared a barb outpost. Not bad.

hey so quick question

Scout has been changed from a melee unit to a support unit, so I put my warrior and scout together in an escort formation, but it seems that the warrior isnā€™t getting any benefit from this. Am I doing something wrong?

So, several months in now. Anyone got a second city up yet? I am currently building a settler but itā€™s still 10 turns away :thinking:

nop more less the sameā€¦we should use acelerated startā€¦

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I am interested in Marathon accelerated start. Starting era is it? Or other?
The best way is starting online together and converting to PYDT. But so hard to organise.

well count me in in all long games :wink:

Iā€™m enjoying this game though. It really doesnā€™t take up a lot of time at this stage anyway.

Setting Barbarian clans and zero citystates. Yet another game where this was a mistake. Soz friends. The intension was start with clans that turn in to citystates. I should have tested this.