Manoir's last game - 12 players - quick - Random map - BBS (36cd70f2)

timezone: gmt -3
play time: 8 - 23

timezone: gmt -3
play time: 8 - 23 @ Local Time

Why you did’nt just post in in GMT? So nobody will ask if you mean 8-23 your time (gmt-3) or 8-23 gmt… :wink:

8-23 GMT

Hi @Manoir, I would suggest you to set up a playing time chart, like other hosts do, in order to maximize turn playing efficiency. They do it in a way that arranges players by their best playing times, so that when a player passes the turn, the next is likely to play within a few hours.
The games I’m in that have such arrangement are flying, compared to the not organized ones. Considering we have 12 players, the impact would be even greater!
What do you think?

That’s what I did with everyone’s time slot.

It’s probably not fully optimize but i tried my best with Excel.

I’ll start the game today.


Hi @space.cow8oy,

your last 2 turns skipped! Do you still want play the game?
I ask for a friend :slight_smile:

the guy has a che guevara pic as profile pic… what kind of commitment do you expect from him?

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For the time being, only a sign of life, secondly, an honest statement as to whether he wants to continue playing or whether we should replace him


At least he has quit himself. I guess we try to replace him?

Can’t replace in this situation. His civ is already dead.

You’re killing him? :wink:

Beanz told me on another game, that he quitted all his games, cause he don’t haves time to play atm.

For me no problem, if AI is playing on for him, if he’s really nearly dead (means for me: only one city left and max. 2 units). But as I’m fighting on another game for 60(!) rounds (as Persia against Mongols, since about turn 30, online speed) with 2 cities and (at the beginning) only 4 units left, I know that on everything above one city left it could make a huge difference, if AI is playing or a human. :wink:

Had nor internet since last tuesday (and posted that on PYDT-Disco last wednesday).

Would appreciate if we could revert the one turn skipped, as game is actually on the turn after, so nobody has ti do her/his turn again, if @danlmartins reverts now.
Thanks a lot!

Just did it. It’s your turn again.

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thanks! :heart_eyes:

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Hey everyone. Real life is demanding and I’m gonna have to quit most of my games. I’ve tried to look for subs, but wasn’t able to. I’m left with no option but to let you guys down. sorry for the inconvenience. cheers and good game to you all.

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Ok. Were you playing Dido?


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So we don’t search for a replacement anymore? And if not, do we establish any rules how to deal with AI?

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