Just One More Turn Before The Golden Age Ends -- All are welcome to join! (dccc8a1c)

Smack talk goes here for Just One More Turn Before The Golden Age Ends – All are welcome to join!! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/dccc8a1c-b52f-4225-8fbb-8bc33d903336

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Something happened to our game. Maybe it got corrupted?

I’m trying to reverting turns, but in the meantime looking into this

My civ went from 1 to 9 population somehow:

Screenshot 2023-12-24 at 11.53.02 AM

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According to someone on Discord:

Turned game timer off… reverted a few turns, waiting for @SunTzuShin3 to report whether my empire score looks normal or not. If still messed up will keep reverting.

Since it’s early game, and @SunTzuShin3 reported to see my empire score at 17 still… I went all the way back to my turn.

Hopefully, this resolves it.

Starting to think collinbachi went AWOL, can’t tag him because he doesn’t seem to have a steam profile. Might look for replacement or kick if he doesn’t come back.

Hey guys, I’m going to kick collinbachi. He hasn’t done a turn since February 3rd (skipped 19 of 23 turns).

Does anyone have a replacement? I’m going to put a message up to let someone else take his spot, but I think it’s likely will we have an AI player in his place.

i subbed in if that’s ok


Definitely OK! he has been basically an AI player for most his turns, good luck! :slight_smile: :sweat_smile:

Hello everyone :slight_smile:


well that didn’t last long. @SunTzuShin3 will be taking out my one an only city very shortly. cheers, all.

@slane appreciate you joining at least! Think the person you replaced was MIA like all game, so was probably a rough spot

yeah, one city, no military, no walls.

@ChevalierMalFet You still playing? You’ve been skipping your turns for awhile.

If you’re unable to do your turns for awhile, could you put it on vacation mode so we don’t have to wait the 24hours? :pray:

If you don’t do your next turn, unfortunately will kick you from the game to let AI take over, and open it up so someone else hop in your spot.