Fast-Players Fractal Brawl FFA - Online Speed, Draft, BBG,BBS (56c329bf)

thanks, mate!

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Sorry, but Iā€™m going to need to be subbed out.

Iā€™m losing interest in Civ 6. And itā€™s got to the point where I no longer enjoy playing the game.

Skipped! Fatherā€™s Dayā€¦ :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

For some reason, I canā€™t open my turn. Instead of going to the start game window, it goes to the save game window. But it wonā€™t let me save the game.

Iā€™m dropping out. Iā€™m down to 2 cities and I will be wiped out soon.

Thereā€™s some bug in the game. When I load my turn, I come immediatly on the save-screen but as danImartins, not as me. But anyway next would be kapshul, what would be right.
Letā€™s revert all the skipped turns and see, what happensā€¦


reverted now one turn. Either everybody does the same until itā€™s me again or @kapshul reverts the complete round.

Same thing happened to me now. Save screen as danlmartins. Turn reversed.

yeah - and now you again played turn 94 - goal is to revert to my turn 93 :wink:

When I look on turn history, danImarins was the first one who played instead of reverting. danI & victor made turn 94 on 16th.
@victormaia86 @danlmartins @kapshul : please revert once.

@Markelix reverted
Please check

i played because it workedā€¦ thought this was the only issueā€¦ sorry for the confusion


hey everyone. I was going to stick with this game because itā€™s going towards the end of it. but due to these problems and so many people quit, Iā€™ll end up having to fight against an AI germany and an AI france. So it doesnā€™t make much sense for me to keep this as a priority.
sorry for the inconvenience, but Iā€™ll quit this one too. cheers.

@kapshul revert turn 93 @Markelix

@victormaia86 already reverted

whatā€™s wrong?

nothing wrong now. But yesterday my skipped turn was the only one not reverted and I was on t94 again :wink:

I believe itā€™s a ā€œsee you soonā€. Good game.

Have fun against the AI :wink: