Explore Expand Exploit Exterminate Civ6 (c9c638b1)

Smack talk goes here for Explore Expand Exploit Exterminate Civ6! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/c9c638b1-40af-4411-833c-bf116d04a516

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@Fiullzza got new job and he has no time for playing. If somebody have substitute for this player will be better exchange player. He will able play Civ in 6 months.


Worth putting it on the DIscord?

I think yes if we have no adept for this place.

Hello Guys, can you revert turn to me please? I am ill and I was not able to play in last day.

Thank you.

@matt_lambert I attacked Apu because you forward settled me. You might not have been able to see that settling there locked me off entirely from new cities as there is ocean to my west. If you want to continue this war though, may the best man win :wink:

Just trying to take back what’s rightfully mine :slight_smile:

Sounds good, then it’s to the death!

Hi, sorry guys I’m on vacation until saturday evening. Is possible stop turn timer please? Thank you very much.

Salvitin won? I didn’t see cup, but in win table is not possible see other then Religional victory. So if yes Congratulation to Salvitin, his victory was realy EPIC!!!


Thank you @Michaqel !! Good game, and pleasure playing with you :slight_smile: