Earth - 12 players - No password, you're welcome. (d5b1fb88)

Do you want me to try “revert turn”?

“If you’re having issues with the current state of the game, press the button below to revert to the previous turn.”

Worth a shot. I have the same issue in the Continents game.

Just did it on both games.

Fingers crossed. If this doesn’t work then we will have to scrap and go new without the China pack.

This same problem happened with the last pack. If it doesn’t work, please open a new thread in the Bug Report section and the administrator should be able to remove this condition.

Same problem.

I did and moderator say it should be ok now, let’s see…

You may ask for help here: [DONE] DLC Mismatch - #2 by danlmartins

They said both game should be ok now.

Shijoshun can’t play exceptionnaly until tomorrow

@MisterT800 I have no idea how you got India so tooled up so quickly but well played sir. Nerfed Hammurabi can’t cope. Won’t be long now before the Babylon the [not so] Great is Fallen.

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As soon as I saw I was not alone in South America, I knew I had no choice but to go all in on war. Not enough room for both of us.

did Varus get into action?

Not that I have seen. Just swords. Lots of swords and arrows.

Not yet. :wink:

Why did you quit @andrewsmart48 :cry:?

No idee but as i told you he was stuck between moutains and snow.

I am too stuck behind mountains. As soon as i try to get out, two people declare war. One on each side trying to get my settler and my newly found city… terrible people!

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Barbarians are more civilized indeed :wink:

Hey everyone. Unfortunately I’ll have to quit most of my games.
@Manoir, @Calcifer will sub in for me on this one too. Can you please use the host tools to do that?

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