Competitive game on 6-armed snowflake map (af2d35ea)

As soon as I hit end turn I heard another unit spawn from the close barbarian camp. Oh goody, another horseman in my future?

I played a few turns on this map before picking a civ, and it was choked with barbarians. It’s half the reason I chose Sumerians.

Ahh, good information to know :wink:

That must be some strange new meaning of the word ‘good’ I was previously unaware of.

American usage - like Curly is the bald guy :wink:

I have played this map multiple times, but have never seen the barbs like this. Good news is the barb camp didn’t spawn another horseman. Bad news is it did spawn a horse archer. I can’t even improve my first time. Going to be a fun game of playing with the barbs for quite some time.

Its king setting, got some barb problems as well here,
I have played the map on SP mode (deity) before setting it up for MP. There I got two early camps close to capital and then later two more in the middle of the dedicated landmass and I had the impression that they spawn unusually quickly as well…

I was planning to set up another snowflake map after 30 turns or so - or should we wait for “gathering storm” instead - what do you think?

With 6 players, wait for GS.

GG all. I am in awe at easyzivi’s ability to expand, tech, and build a military so quickly. Very well done.

GG dogboy
It was a bit of luck involved actually that I spotted your frigatte rush in time and I had the admiral ready as well as the press gang policy card (100% production on renaissance naval units).
It could easily have turned into your favour…

I’m surrendering, there’s nothing I can do about @easyzivi at this point. :slight_smile: Good game!

gg mike!

I think it is over at this point (zarquon I got destroyer armadas around the corner)?
would you agree that we abandon this game? I would rather invest the time into a gathering storm game instead

I would take exception to your ‘i think it is over at this point’
…As I thought it was over a long time ago :wink:
Good game everyone.

I agree with Zargon. Good game everyone.

Wait… I still have a warrior monk that’s ready to fight!

Good game everyone… especially Zivi.

Zivi did mop us up. Good game!

ggs everybody, CIV 6 is such a snowball game, once you are ahead you can hardly be stopped. I was really hoping they introduce some mechanics in GS (like in CIV 5: eg. science and culture being reduced with each city you own…) that counteract that… which unfort. they havent. Major problem in multiplayer… lets hope they will adress that in some patch…