Competitive game on 6-armed snowflake map (af2d35ea)

I am -5., I try to hit before work, midday and evening but tends to be variable.

Kennedy endorsed the Aussies :wink: If not that then I will look at the material shared.

Sure Dan - go ahead, just be aware, Australia is the new India - so everybody will hate you for being such a “goody goody” - :slight_smile:
so geoff is next

zarquon by the way, how do you manage to keep such a low turn timer? Do you sleep at all?

I am semi-retired, with no pension, so little to do other than return to pc at random intervals.
I also sleep at odd times, lacking the discipline of a work start time to anticipate.
I might have more work in February, but the company in question has been messing me about since last March, so hard to trust that date.

I picked Japan. Haven’t played them in over a year, and never on this map.

Don’t worry Dan, I won’t hate you for being a “goody goody”. Just probably for something else :smile:

I was only interested in Australia after getting mopped up by Geoff. Then again the list of those civs is pretty long.

Not sure if it’s my turn to pick, but if so I’ll go Gilgamesh. He just looks like a winner. :slight_smile:

I can take it back if I wasn’t supposed to yet.

Gilgamesh?! I feel a bit frightened now! Did I say he is not that strong here? I mean look at all those muscles!

Japan I think might be quite strong, combat bonus is relevant for sure and you will probably end up spawning some cities close together anyways.

Dan please make up your mind so that mike can make his pick

I hope Gilgamesh doesn’t find me first. Nothing will stop his warcarts for the first 50+ turns or so. Not even walls with archers.

Sorry, I thought I was done. Australia but if that is out or rude or something, England I guess.

Dan, you have to change your civ yourself. Click on that random picture, select your civ, then click the change civ button.

Sorry, being dense.

I just went ahead and picked England, if someone before me in the pecking order wants that I’ll change it.

Congrats on 10K turns, @DogBoy511! You’re a machine!

I love the game.

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wow, 10K turns! grats!

I have seen the trailers. I’m looking forward to the next expansion. It will bring some “luck” into the game in the form of natural disasters, but it will make it interesting. I think canals will add some value and fun aspects to strategies. I don’t really care for the UN though. It’s one of the reasons I didn’t care too much for Civ V.

Are the settings on diety? We are on turn 17 and I have already cleared one barbarian camp, but there are two others near my capital. One has a spearman and a scout. The other has 3 horsemen and a spearman. There will be no expanding for a while.

I cleared one. Another appeared, and a third barb scout just showed up. By the time i find the third, multiple horsemen would not surprise me.