CGH Quick pangaea 6 players (a8cd6340)

i think you need to meet a threshold of some diplo relations to vote on certain emergencies. like at least having some envoys in the cs that has been invaded.

I will be voting +5 melee and +100% trade

Sorry @MisterT800, I clicked revert turn thinking it will go to the AI and then back to me, giving more time to find a replacement for old-Aloha AI.

  • but now it makes you do the turn again :frowning:

btw, @CEO_of_Spearfighting will join soon :wink:

This is crazy, I reverted the turn again because @CEO_of_Spearfighting replaced the AI

I have reported the bug:

I reverted my turn

@MisterT800, my intention was not for you to revert your turn.

  • I was sorry because you had to do your turn again because of my revert

But if you already did so, I am asking you all:

Naaah, forget it, thatā€™d be too much hassle. Let it play out, surely the AI didnā€™t do THAT many stupid things in a single round.

In that case, @HappyCamper, you will now have to do your turn again and then it will be @MisterT800 's turn for the 3rd time :smiley:

Yeah. I figured it would be faster just to revert our turns than to wait for a bug fix. If the sub is ok playing after the 1 turn AI moves, then we should just continue on.


Which version of BBG is this game running? I got local version of 5.1, .2, .3, .4 and the ā€œliveā€ version on Steam, and yetā€¦

edit: nevermind, itā€™s SOMEHOW working now even though I havenā€™t changed anything since the previous attempt??

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@Markelix, will you be coming back?

@MisterT800, @HappyCamper, @matt_lambert, @CEO_of_Spearfighting should we
A) find a replacement for @Markelix OR
B) just leave this game?

I see no point in leaving the game, it does no harm by sitting at the very bottom of my list in the pydt client.

Idk if we can substitute an hostā€¦ if we can, then sure!

Yeah, sub. I donā€™t remember anything about this game, will be interesting to see what state Iā€™ve left myself in

Welcome, @Stormumriken! Thank you for saving this game!

This is the game we are all just playing for 2nd place

LOL. Nope. Different game. Now what was I doing in this one?

Turns out I have no memory of this game at all. Should be fun.

Greeting to you all!

Well, as the new queen of France, I have all the rights to remember the least.

Gauls are at war with me, are pillaging my country, and have stolen three of my cities. So, who will join me in the defense of France, and the righteous war against the bullying Gauls?