CGH Pangaea ranked 8 ffa (d2db460f)

To install a particular STATIC version of BBG, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the particular .zip file from the Dropbox folder
    Dropbox - BBG Static Releases for Cloud - Simplify your life
  2. Copy and Extract it into the Mods folder of where Civ 6 is installed on your system.
    On Windows, it should be “…\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization VI\Mods”
  3. Restart Civ
  4. Go to Additional Content->Mods menu, and disable newly installed BBG to not conflict with real-time or other games
  5. Load your game as usual, and play your turn.

I did all of that and it didn’t work. I will point out that the save version is am getting has BBG version 5.2.9, and after your steps I have version 5.3, 5.1.8, and the static version. I currently only have the static version enabled in additional content.

You’ll need to download and unzip BBG5.2 from the Dropbox that adi linked. I just dropped it into my mods folder and restarted Civ 6. Worked like a charm.

In the process of trying this right now, I downloaded the 5.2 in hopes it might be the file

Heck yeah, it worked!!!

Thank goodness, this is one of my favorite games!


Hey, just wanted to double check, are alliances allowed, or are they under prohibited items?


I haven’t seen any rule in any CGH game so far. So everything is allowed :))

  • btw, in this particular game it actually says in the description: “allowing ingame alliances” :smiley:

That was how I read it, but I know English is a second language for some players, so I wanted to make sure :slight_smile:

I interpreted it as meaning No to Great Negotiators Pack only.

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I seem to have lost my CGH Discord access. Can anyone send me the discord link?

I think the CGH Discord may have been deleted in the aftermath of some controversy.

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@Squidoo: coolmajaka left all his games, so would you look for a sub on PYDT-Discord?

@Markelix, any idea why @coolmajaka left?
Was it because of this on PYDT discord?

Don’t know anything more. He just posted in another game that he leaves all games:

I am getting grief from the site owner so I am leaving my games. Sorry everyone!

Yap, got the source:

I will ask around for a sub.

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Thanks for looking for a sub, @adi_4k!
… and thanks and welcome @Calcifer!

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@MisterT800, thanks for voting me :wink:

In fact my vote - against MisterT800 - made the difference.

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@Markelix, your vote also made the difference here