Casual Civ 6 (7c0dac3d)

Unfortunately @Mesias-G, as that’s the only place I can put a city, there is no space for me to expand and I barely have any cities, plus you are very close to my capital.
While you have at least 2 city positions available to the north besides the one you are about to settle for, with multiple amenities near them, so if you settle there, you get 3 cities and I get none.
That is not a game worth playing without a fight.
I can clearly see it on the screenshots on the chat. Even if you gave me space to settle where you are about to settle, you would still be winning.
Settling where you are is a deal breaker. Do you want an endless war while the others continue to enrich themselves?

Poland is more than willing to allow Georgian settlements up north and have peace with them… for now.

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Congress is here. I am willing to vote for trade routes and diplo points to someone in exchange for others voting -5 to heavy cavalry to slow Poland’s war against me.

If you already voted, please let me know what you voted for Military Advisory so I can align in hopes of increasing my unit strength if I cannot weaken Poland’s.

Hi guys,

Tomorrow I’m taking a flight to Peru and won’t be back until August 22nd. I’ve realized in a game I’m host that vacation parameters can be edited (this game has auto skip for vacation mode). However, our host has surrendered… Should we ask Mike to set that for us? Otherwise I’ll have to be temporarily replaced, which I don’t think is ideal.

Let me know your thoughts.

The admin status of the game can be transferred to another player, as far as I know - but I don’t know if it’s done automatically or if one should request it.

So is it OK for you guys to wait till I’m back or should I look for a substitute?

I’d much prefer a sub but they seem rare these days.

@EmJayLambert will sub me.

I’m dead. I could never recover from the cheating host setting me back early in the game. Then the sub had to be CEO who is a great player.

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I’m humbled by the compliment! You still held out for a long while even though I had a huge tech/civic lead and Crusade.
I can only hope there indeed was no advantage that remained from the previous player aside from maybe free production but we’ll never know.
I’d say the main factor is that I got lucky with Luxuries (continent split + an easily unlocked monopoly that gave me GPT early on) while your land got neglected in luxes from the map generator.

Hi everyone and happy new year!

I will surrender in this one, turns have been skipping for a month that I’ve been away and in any case I think we know who will win…

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Understandable, GG!
If HappyCamper wants a final showdown we can both stay anyway.

Huh, somehow when it was my turn I didn’t have anything to play and it said it was your turn… So I just saved it and passed it along. If it looks weird, revert it. Hopefully the AI didnt play in my stead.

Should be fine. Happens sometimes if there is a special congress turn but you’re ineligible to vote on it.

Same, tbh. Good game, for what I was in for.

@CEO_of_Spearfighting That’s the game. GG. Not much I could against the Polish tourism behemoth.

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GG! To be honest I was planning a Space win, but I had forgotten how stupidly good Tourism is with Monopoly&Corporations. Too much snowballing in general going for me.