Bo3 1st Half 2023, Continents, No AI's, BBG, BBS, FFA (rules) (d77b968c)

Thanks for the warm welcome!

And wow, my average turn time raised from 2hrs 2 min to 2 hrs 41 min with that 3 turns :rofl:


If one of you would like to play another huge map with standard speed: 3 slots left here:

@PerroFlamer I want to offer you friendship, but I don’t seem to have the option, and I don’t know why. If you offer me friendship, I will accept.

Cannot load because of mod, even if it is installed.

you should install bbg 5.3 static using these instructions:

This dropbox folder is going to be the placeholder for static BBG releases for cloud.
Dropbox - BBG Static Releases for Cloud - Simplify your life

To install a particular version of BBG, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the particular .zip file from Dropbox
  2. Copy and Extract it into the Mods folder of where Civ 6 is installed on your system. On Windows, it should be somewhere like this: “…\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization VI\Mods”
  3. Restart Civ
  4. Go to Additional Content->Mods menu, and disable newly installed BBG to not conflict with real-time or other games (attached image).
  5. Load your game as usual, and play your turn.

@Calcifer Thanks, worked!

I’m down to my last city. I resign. Well-played @PerroFlamer.

Welcome @chaldean33
He is taking @Markelix place as he has been absent and not responding messages for more than a month.
Thanks my friend, and please if some one had some kind of agreement, alliance, war declaration or something with @Markelix pls let @chaldean33 know about it.

Happy gaming! :grinning: :v:

Btw, @Osprey will u sub @indrew ?
Pls let me know to sub u in the other 2 games, thanks.

Ok, I can sub him.

ok, I’ll do it when his turn comes.