Bo3 1st Half 2023, Continents, No AI's, BBG, BBS, FFA (rules) (d77b968c)

Smack talk goes here for Bo3 1st Half 2023, Continents, No AI’s, BBG, BBS, FFA (rules)! Game URL:

My playing window is 17 to 6 UTC
My ban is Shaka

Don’t forget to post your playing window(s) and ban too, remember that this ban is for this map that is continents, and that each map is gonna have their own bans.

I don’t wish to pick a ban.

My play times are 1300-1600 GMT and 2400-0500 GMT.

Play 0000-1200 GMT/UTC
ban Māori

I’m so happy that on day 1 we almost filled the 8 seats, so I’m raising the seats to 12, once they are full we are ready to begin, also points according to the place were updated. :smiley:

Playing window: 8:00 to 23:00 GMT
Ban: Babylon.

Play: 1p - 1a UTC
Ban: Vicky

Play afternoons and evenings, but sometimes in the morning too.
Ban Genghis Khan.

Hello, can you give us a more specific playing window, moreless from what hour to what hour and if that time is your local time or GMT time? I can see that your profile says from 6pm to 11pm, but is that your local time or gmt time? confirm the info please.
Thanks in advance. :+1:

@andrewsmart48 @petrojbl1 can you confirm your playing window and your ban please.

ban giglamesh

best time is 17:00 to 22:00 gmt or 7:30 to 830 gmt

can do all day 5 out of 7 days though 8am to 22pm

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Ban Rome
General playing window: 12:00 GMT to 24:00 GMT

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It’s my local time, GMT+2, Eastern European Time (EET).

When you can play in the morning, from what time to what time is it?
Btw, i can see that ur average time per turn is 16 hours, one of the time rules says that we are looking after people with an average time of less than 4 hours, why do u have such long time to take turns?

No bans.
Play time: 15:00-24:00 GMT in general, usually more time than that.

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(GMT - 5) 12 PM - 3 AM GMT

No bans.

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(GMT -5) 15:00 GMT - 5:00GMT

Ban Mali

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GMT 9-22 ban Korea

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In week days I can play usually starting with 6PM, until 11PM, GMT+2 time.
During weekends all day is on the table. During vacantions i may have several days without playing.
Please fell free to kick me if it’s convenient.

I would like anyone willing to play this game can join, is not my desire to kick anyone, I just was wondering why your average turn is so high? do you go on trip or vacations with relative frequency?
Or what is the reason to have such high average time per turn?