Base game (9810bff8)

Smack talk goes here for Base game! Game URL:

It looks like this is your first time hosting a game, welcome!

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Want to start the game or wait for more players?

I would join if you’re O.K. with some random fella jumping in?

Sure, come in!

“cloud services are not available”

Please help, i use EPIC GAMES

Are you on Discord? If so, the PYDT forum is the best place to get an answer, I think. A short-term solution is to download the savegame file manually, put it into your hotseat savegame folder, play the turn, save the game again, and the upload that new file back to the PYDT site. Remember what the new file name is so that you upload the correct one to PYDT. I think it will tell you if you choose the wrong file, so that will help.

Can you remind me, please, on the rules regarding friendships and alliances and trades and the like?

So, I didn’t define any rules for the game, so I think everything is allowed.

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Hello, fellow base game enjoyers… There are now two AI. Should we make any rules regarding them? In other games, I see rules such as no war with them, since it can be relatively easy to beat them and get a huge city boost. Or, not luxury for gold trades (just 1:1 luxury trades).

Should we put an AI in for ljcorail? That would leave just three humans, but I’m happy to play the game if you two want to keep playing it.