Apocalypse, Monopolies and Random Tech - Speed: Quick (7eab09a7)

Smack talk goes here for Apocalypse, Monopolies and Random Tech - Speed: Quick! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/7eab09a7-be38-4655-a86c-b4c300f227ed


I’ve tried to join this game a couple of times and I guess you’re kicking me because I have an average turn time of like 13 hours. I’d like to point out that this is mostly because I was without a computer for about 3 months and some games without skipping had me waiting for a turn that long. More than 50% of my turns are <6 hours and more than 75% are <12 hours so you can see I am a reliable player.

Anyway, I’m not fussed - I have plenty of games, just thought this one sounded interesting. If you need someone to fill it, I’ll play.

I just checked the few games that I have in common with you and you are at 6/7h average so, welcome home Matt :wink:

Excuses me for the kicks… I have some kind of “greylist”. We had to sub you in a lot of game to be able to play for a few months. Let’s give it a try, it should be fine now :slight_smile:

At the moment:
Map: Continents or Small continents
Ressources: Abundant
World age: Random
Start position: Balanced or Legendary
Temperature: Standard
Rainfall: Standard or wet or random
Sea level: Standard

Bans: 1 civilization per player
Draft: 4 choices per player

Please, tell me your ban.

I ban Saladin/Arabia

Ban Mapuche

ban spain

Ban Zulu

no ban

Ban Mongolia

Ban Russia

It seems that is is going to be a 7 players game. It will go faster and we will play more often :slight_smile:

Player 1: Manoir - Sundiata Keita
Player 2: @petrojbl1
Player 3: @slane
Player 4: @Marthow
Player 5: @matt_lambert
Player 6: @Osprey
Player 7: @danlmartins

Please choose your leader:

I’ll give Pachacuti a try



are we playing with barbarians?

i’ll try Montezuma

What is your position about it?

with only 7 players and most likely in a map for 8, I think some barbs can make the game more interesting.
also, we should be able to change our civ choices up until all the options are defined!

I’ll go with Pedro II.

What I mean is “barbarian clans” mod or classic barbarians?