Another snowflake FFA! (7d0b7769)

I think you’ve got a good point – I’ll add a 3-day timer to this game. Wish he was playing his games more evenly.

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It appears @EmJayLambert is not just waiting for timer-turns … all recent turns skipped. @EmJayLambert will you be able to resume turns at some point?

Open the slot to sub + tell it on PYDT’s Discord.

France is in a good position in this game, we can find a sub.

Lambert is away for too long and on too many games.

I have been waiting for a new laptop, have let the PYDT community know on Discord. It’s arrived today and I’m hopeful of getting to my turns throughout the week.

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This sounds like a miracle :slight_smile:

I appreciate your input, but I’m the host. If he says he’ll be able to play the turns this week, I’ll give him the opportunity to do so.

Thanks for your reply! I’m glad your new laptop arrived! I’ll remove the timer for this week.

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And I am ok with that.

He waited his computer for 2 month and many games were stuck because of that. But if he says he got it, that’s cool, really.

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12 days since last turn… He has too many games at same time. Even his new computer isn’t enough.

Can’t we use a timer to force him to play as he plays other games.

Even if his turns are skipped, I remember that USA is in late in this game, it won’t change anything.

@andrewsmart48 how goes your computer?

Given that I’ve not received a reply from @andrewsmart48 , I agree with Manoir that the consequences of skipped turns in this game are minimal and have added a 2-day timer.

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A diplomatic note to our allies the Georgians: Your attempts to convert our cities, in particular our holy city, are absolutely not welcome. They are causing significant unrest in our border cities. If you continue, our alliance will be at an end and we will endeavor to damage you at least as much as you have damaged Rome.

We are sorry for bothering you. Our people were delighted to share their faith with the Roman Empire.

We respect your traditions and your wish to preserve them. Our apostle will leave your lands without any further action.

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We appreciate your belated respect for our faith, many thanks! Certainly if you can spare some funds to help us repair the damage that has been done by your reckless proselytizing that would go the rest of the way to repairing our diplomatic relationship.

Any objections to reverting back to my skipped turn? Have been sick this weekend, and am in the midst of beginning to repair the effects of a holy city converted to another faith (so, a bit of delicate time to let the AI have a turn at the wheel)

No objection from me

fine by me
reverted to @BambusBjoern

has @banman39 done the reverted turn now?

I’ve reverted it to me now … looks like @BambusBjoern just replayed it and sent it back to you :slight_smile: thanks all!

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