Anchor Ceti, Free For All #6 (April 10) (fcdd2775)

Smack talk goes here for Anchor Ceti, Free For All #6 (April 10)! Game URL:

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Hello Pals!
Pick your loadouts, please!

@Speir_the_Sphereist checkout discord dm, we need to install your AC 1.16.

Medics / Supply Module / Physiocorrection Module

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engineers / fusion reactor / explorers corps

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  • Mercenaries
  • Retrograde Thrusters
  • Explorers Corps
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Several turns ago I realised that chose a 1 tile wide water, again. :smiling_imp:
At least this time we have proper symmetric start locations :smiley_cat:

also: :apple:
1.16.463 update is online
Mostly visual updates, and Art Folder should be reloaded too

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This time earlier
(turn 56)
War from Moon

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:smiling_imp: 7 load tries

Last one to not give up wins

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Im wondering if maybe its a randomly bad questline or event series. Not every game gets it.

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Mine always crashes like this

Unhandled Exception
Error reading address 0x0

Call Stack

(0x0000000000400000 : 0x003CA8AD) civilizationbe_dx11 ! ForgeUI::ControlBase::GetSize (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x00062C0B) civilizationbe_dx11 ! hksi_lua_rawlength (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x00671C20) civilizationbe_dx11 ! EXP_JobManager_DestroyJobSet (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x00671CB9) civilizationbe_dx11 ! EXP_JobManager_Wait (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x001E197C) civilizationbe_dx11 ! hks_rawgetslot (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x0035C9CC) civilizationbe_dx11 ! hks_setcontext (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x002077DE) civilizationbe_dx11 ! ForgeUI::StackControl::TEMPFN_FlagOverrun (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x0012A2AB) civilizationbe_dx11 ! hksi_lua_rawset (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x003D561A) civilizationbe_dx11 ! ForgeUI::TextControl::Cast (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x0046789B) civilizationbe_dx11 ! ForgeUI::AnimControl::IncrementPause (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x002BE3A3) civilizationbe_dx11 ! ForgeUI::ContextBase::ContextBase (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x001D6B3B) civilizationbe_dx11 ! ForgeUI::WorldAnchorControl::GetWorldPositionOffset (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x0049682D) civilizationbe_dx11 ! ForgeUI::ContextBase::GetMemSize (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x00398516) civilizationbe_dx11 ! ForgeUI::ControlBase::SetConsumeMouseWheel (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x003D895E) civilizationbe_dx11 ! hksi_lua_touserdata (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x00417173) civilizationbe_dx11 ! ForgeUI::ButtonControl::GetText (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x0060B81D) civilizationbe_dx11 ! EXP_GetMovieEventSystem (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x0060BDAB) civilizationbe_dx11 ! EXP_GetMovieEventSystem (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x0060BE8B) civilizationbe_dx11 ! EXP_GetMovieEventSystem (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x001C292F) civilizationbe_dx11 ! ForgeUI::ForgeUI_UIManager::AddInputPreProcessor (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x006F92B4) civilizationbe_dx11 ! GetSmallObjectAllocator (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000000000 : 0x768D7BA9) ??? ! ??? (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000000000 : 0x770EBE3B) ??? ! ??? (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000000000 : 0x770EBDBF) ??? ! ??? (???, line 0)

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It seems everyone gets this crash. From the research I did, I think it’s cause is Beyond Earth never
being patched for windows 10. Theirs nothing we can do but keep retrying till it works I’m afraid.


previously, on turn 67…
C’mon Kavitha, I was here first!

(turn 72) time for the huge boats with guns


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And so it starts :popcorn: :smirk_cat:

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(turn 73)
Border Incident

Dear Speir the Sphereist!

The disguise of the reconnaissance detachment under the colors of our faction was exposed by our border watchman forces.
Your Marine forces is violated our borders at 33, 27!
We demand your immediate retreat.
Please consider retract your forces as soon as possible.

With best regards,
Protok by Al Falah!


Turn 73

Statement from the Reclamation Office of Foreign Affairs

The Marines of the 4th Infantry Battalion were undertaking maneuvers on the landmass know by the Reclamation as “Worm Rest.” When on turn 70 the Battalion spotted a worm coming into striking distance of them. In a great panic the Battalion embarked into Alien infested water, where 90% regrettably perished before making landfall. A somber reminder that the lifeforms of this world are a threat not only to Citizens, but to the Military as well.

“Every Human skeleton on this world makes it a bit more Human.” - General Goddard, Excerpt of a speech dedicated to the tragedy of the 4th Infantry Battalion

The area in which the 4th Infantry Battalion landed is an unclaimed area of land outside of the jurisdiction of Al Falah. If Al Falah wishes to dictate who can use a piece of land the Reclamation recommends claiming said piece of land, or coming to an agreement with state entities as to who has rights to use said land. The Reclamation will not stand being libeled for violating borders, for merely fleeing to the safety of an unclaimed piece of land. The demand to have the 4th Infantry Battalion leave their safety is anti-human and unemphatic towards their suffering. Due to these two insults to the Reclamation, the 4th Infantry Battalion will stay where it is safe until a naval unit can escort it home, and the Reclamation demands an apology for the insults levied against it, or Al Falah will be denounced.


(turn 75)

“Commander Kishk, their Marine forces stay still inside of our base borders. What would your orders?” - Governor Protok asked.
“Sanction them. Stop all energy-marketing operations.” - answered Commander Kishk.

In view of the ignoring our polite asking to free our base territory we consider actions of ARC faction as aggressive. So we stop trade interaction and impose diplomatic sanctions.

The Almighty sees that we did not want this and gave a chance for a peaceful settlement of the treacherous violation of our borders.

It is unfortunate that instead of listening to the voice of the mind and getting out of the designated zone, the ARC leaders made a ridiculous attempt to justify their aggressive actions.

By rejecting our proposal, you leave us no choice.
As said in the parable: the jackal is what Almighty created him.


turn 85 - revert, 10 times crash on loading

(turn 92)
ring ring
what’s that?
Kavitha’s calling?
Put her on the holographic space-telephone.

Oh, you want peace?
Sorry sweetheart, I’ve already got all these boats, you see; it would be a shame to call them off now.
State-of-the-art too. Leather seats, cupholders, cold-fusion powered lasers, the whole nine yards,
You’ll get to see them up close real soon…

Assistant! Where’s my damn latte?
I can’t plan a combined-arms amphibious invasion without my morning space-coffee!
–recorded conversation from Chungsu wiretap on Samatar Jama Barre’s “space-yacht”