Anchor Ceti, Free For All #6 (April 10) (fcdd2775)

(turn 97)

It first time happens for me that I have game crash after pushing the End Turn button.
4 times in a row now.

7 times. Sorry, cant end my turn. Please redo

Again and again - crash after I push End Turn button.
I will investigate this, tomorrow

Maybe it’s something a happening at the start of my turn? I checked the save and I should be moving an aquatic city (Jenali) next turn but that’s it.

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(turn 100)
Reporter: I’m here with your man of the hour: Samatar Jama Barre: chief architect of the greater-Magan colonial effort, supreme commander of the Agrarian Autarky’s armed forces, and Space-Enthusiast Monthly’s Person of The-Year six times in a row.

Barre: please, call me Barre
Reporter: Tonight you and your forces celebrated the end of the siege of Mandira and your victory over the Kavithan Protectorate. A lot of people are asking the same question: how did this minor border skirmish turn into a full-blown blitzkrieg? Why conquer an entire colony when there are so much unihnabited land you could settle instead?

Barre: Good question, ummmm…, it was originally just a small territorial dispute but, you see, I got a little carried away…
Reporter: A little carried away?
Barre: Yeah; the skirmish turned into a blockade, so I built more boats. Then the blockade turned into a siege, so I built more artillery. You know how it goes.
Barre: I didn’t really think I’d get this far.
Reporter: I’m sure we can all relate to that.
Reporter: One last question: what will you do now that the war is finished?
Barre: I’m going to Space Disney World!

Barre: Kavitha can come too.

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AHAhaha ) Bravo!

(turn 115)
–archived voice logs from Colony Planning Office 221, floor 115 of Barre Tower in Magan.–
lieutenant: “Sir, The Al Falah city of Midfa’a just finished the construction of Guo Pu Yaolan.”
Barre: “Gun-Pow-What?”
lieutenant: “Guo Pu Yaolan, it’s like a big underwater warehouse or something.”
Barre: “Wait, weren’t we building the exact same thing in Jenali? We were only one turn away from completing it goddamnit!”
lieutenant: “What’s a turn, sir?”
Barre: “I can’t believe this! I was gonna turn it into a water park!”
Barre: “How’d they beat us? I spent half our energy reserves buying an autoplant just to speed up construction!”
lieutenant: “let me pull up a brief from an agent we have stationed there.”


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Ah, what a race that was! :smile_cat:

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Dear Commander Kishk, can I call you Arshia? This assault on Lalibela by Al Falah hovertanks has not gone unnoticed. The Agrarian Autarking demands you pull back your forces as any further assaults on the station will be considered an act of war. k thx bai :cowboy_hat_face:

also, you’re blocked on space-twitter

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FROM: Kishk
TO: Barre

Look, who is this! Honorable Prime Minister Samatar Jama Barre himself! Oh, how glad I am that you managed to travel such a long way from your home in your cryocapsule and at the same time look so cheerful at your age. My bow to you.

I have information to tell you regarding the station that you patronize, namely Lalibela.

Our Cultural Crime Investigation Agency received information from an informant at the trade community. It provides credible evidence that Lilibela, while publicly operating as a museum, is in fact a key organizer of the black market for the criminal acquisition and sale of Old Earth artifacts.

Are you ready to sacrifice your reputation as an honest person in exchange for a couple of refrigerator magnets that they sold you under the guise of “the most valuable relic of humanity”?
Do you want to put the interests of smugglers above the peaceful life of your colonists? Who am I to deprive you of this pleasure. I’ll put my hovertanks away.

And I’ll even give you a gift for your collection with a bearded joke from the Old Earth:

Stirlitz stood on his own.
This was Mueller’s favorite torture.

Peace to your home :smirk_cat:

От Кого: Кишк
Кому: Барре

Посмотрите, кто это! Почтенный Премьер Министр Саматар Джама Барре собственной персоной! О, как я рада, что тебе удалось проделать такой далёкий путь от родного дома в своей криокапсуле и при этом так бодро выглядеть в свои годы. Мой тебе поклон.


Имею сообщить тебе информацию относительно станции, которой ты покровительствуешь, а именно Лалибела.


Наше Агентство по Расследованию Культурных Преступлений получило информацию от осведомителя из торговой среды. Она представляет собой достоверные доказательства, что Лалибела публично действующая как музей в действительности является ключевым организатором чёрного рынка по криминальной добыче и сбыту артефактов Старой Земли.

Уже ли ты готов пожертвовать своей репутацией честного человека в обмен на пару магнитиков для холодильника, которые они тебе продали под видом “ценнейшей реликвии человечества”?
Хочешь поставить интересы контрабандистов выше мирной жизни своих колонистов? Да кто, я такая чтобы лишать тебя этого удовольствия. Я уберу свои ховертанки.

И даже сделаю тебе подарок в твою коллекцию таки бородатым анекдотом со Старой Земли:

Штирлиц стоял на своём.
Это была любимая пытка Мюллера.

Мир твоему дому :smile_cat:


(turn 134)

From: Barre
To: Kishk

Sooo… Al Falah has decided to attack the ARC. Excellent timing, I’ve been planning for a war myself, with YOU!

Even Han Jae Moon approves! You had it coming after your brazen attack on Lalibela.

I’ll have you know, Lalibela is not just a monument to our old-earth heritage, it shares its cultural significance with the eponymous Lalibela in Ethiopia from which many of us in the PAU trace our heritage. There was no way this offense could go unpunished.

Plus, Lalibela is the bobblehead capital of the world (they even have a bobblehead of me!)

Plus, there’s no way I could let Midfa’a sit on my borders uncontested when it has that much titanium.

Plus, I built all these giant robots already. They have missile-launchers for hands! I can’t exactly put them to work on the tuber plantations.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I’ll leave you with some old sage wisdom from a famous old-earth poet that has gotten me through some hard times:

    Is gharsley.

(have fun!)



FROM: Kishk
TO: Barre

It’s funny how people try to justify their deception. What a trick did you use to transform your people into soulless decepticons?
Now we see what’s your word worth.

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(turn 137)

@Speir_the_Sphereist Hi!
Can you please make a guideline or video clip with retaken your Head Quarters back and defeating my fleet. You can download your previous turn from the lobby page of this game.

A few hours later I would be able make such a thing from my side: of capturing HQ.

Question closed

(turn 147)




Humanity used to be a God-given right. Now it’s a privilege. -Dr. Robotnik

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Sorry, ingame truce is forbidden by rule:

  1. Human Players who start a war once, cannot conclude an ingame truce until the end of the game;

Both of you decided to preserve my HQ till the end?

I’m going a trip and will thus not be able to play any turns until the 23rd.

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Please, update EAccess with Art Folder

(turn 150)
I was kinda hoping the Speir would do my dirty work for me while I pivoted to fight the giant Chungsu navy, but I guess I’ll do it myself.

Good game!

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(turn 164)
Good game! Well played everyone! Earth has been assimilated into the Barre collective consciousness.

Speir made a valiant effort too, managing to plant 10/20 earthling settlers. Protok taking Central about 20 turns ago helped me a lot by delaying his exodus gate, but it still ended up being pretty close. I didn’t think he’d have his warp gate rebuilt so quickly.

I’m really glad we got to see the supremacy and purity victory conditions, they’re my favorites. I even got to play around with orbital lasers and planet carvers, muahahaha.


Good game everyone!